Britney Spears’ father says he ‘would love nothing more than to see Britney not need guardianship’

Through his lawyer Vivian Lee Thoreen, Jamie Spears said he also wants the guardianship to end.

“[Jamie] I would love nothing more than to see Britney not need guardianship, “Thoreen told CNN on Friday.” Whether or not there will be an end to guardianship really depends on Britney. If she wants to end her guardianship, she can file a petition to end it. ”

“Jamie is not suggesting that he is the perfect father or that he would receive any ‘Father of the Year’ awards. Like any father, he does not always agree with what Britney might want. But Jamie believes everyone’s only decision he made was interest, “added Thoreen.

CNN reached out to Spears’ representatives who had no comment on the statements by Thoreen and his lawyer, Samuel D. Ingham III, told CNN that he “cannot comment on a pending case”.

Jamie Spears was first appointed by a court to be co-conservative of Britney’s estate and person in 2008, after a series of personal issues for the singer who played publicly.

Ingham filed for removal of Britney’s father as a conservative last August. During a hearing on the matter in November, Ingham said Britney was “scared” of her father. The judge decided to keep Spears as a conservative and appointed Bessemer Trust to co-conserve his $ 60 million estate.

“Jamie never contested or opposed Bessemer’s appointment as his co-conservative. And at the last hearing, it was reported that Jamie was trying to gain more power than his co-conservative, and that is completely incorrect. What we were discussing is that Jamie and his co-conservative should have equal powers, this has always been consistent, “said Thoreen.

She told CNN that her client has no control over whether her daughter needs guardianship and that it depends entirely on the court.

“The court investigator also interviews everyone involved in the guardianship, and they take a deep dive to really study the guardianship to find out what’s going on. And what I can say is that each year the court keeps the guardianship in place,” she said.

CNN confirmed with the Los Angeles Superior Court that the guardianships go through a review process, but did not comment specifically on Spears’ guardianship.

Although Jamie Spears told CNN in December that he had not spoken to his daughter since last summer’s lawsuit, Thoreen said the family was quarantined at the family’s home in Louisiana at the beginning of the pandemic.

CNN obtained family videos from their two weeks together. In them, the singer is seen riding a bicycle and playing in the yard next to her father, her mother Lynne Spears, her sister Jamie Lynn Spears and her nieces.

“When the pandemic hit and everyone had to stay home, Britney wanted to go home. She wanted to see her family, ”said Thoreen. “Jamie unquestionably loves Britney, and he misses her very much. But he also respects her and wants to give her autonomy and space. And as I said before, like any other family, there are ups and downs. So Jamie respects space. Britney’s request and also her solicitor’s request that he not contact her, but the secret is that Britney knows that she can contact her father at any time and that he will be at her side. Whether or not there is a guardianship, Jamie will love Britney. ”

According to court documents obtained by CNN in December, Ingham said Britney would not appear again as long as her father maintained control of his fortune.

Although Britney has not commented publicly on the ongoing battle for guardianship, she has responded to recent speculation about whether she plans to perform again.

“I will always love being on stage,” she wrote on Instagram on February 9. “But I’m taking the time to learn and be a normal person … I just love to enjoy the basics of everyday life !! !! Each person has his story and his opinion on other people’s stories !!!! We all have so many different and beautiful lives. Remember, no matter what we think we know about a person’s life, it is nothing compared to the person who lives behind the lens. ”
The next guardianship hearing is scheduled for March 17.
