Brexit ends British right to live and work in the EU

LONDON (AP) – So far, the vast majority of British and EU citizens have not felt the reality of Brexit. Although the United Kingdom left the European Union on January 31, it follows the bloc’s rules until the end of this year, as part of a transition period for the new economic relationship.

Everything ready to change.

On January 1, Britain embarks on its new, more distant relationship with the EU, after nearly five decades of closer economic, cultural and social integration.

The shift to Britain’s economy and people is the most dramatic since the Second World War, certainly more than when the country joined what was then the European Economic Community in 1973.

“It is a much bigger shock to our economic system and it will happen instantly,” said Anand Menon, director of the UK in a Changing Europe think tank and professor of European politics and foreign affairs at King’s College London.

“Suddenly, you wake up in a new world in early January.”

Here are some of the changes in movement that people will begin to experience almost overnight.



Although the coronavirus pandemic has caused a collapse in the number of people traveling between Britain and the EU, the end of freedom of movement from 1 January will represent the most tangible consequence of Brexit so far.

Under the divorce agreement agreed between the two parties on 24 December, the approximately 1 million British citizens who are legal residents in the EU will, in general, have the same rights they now have. The same applies to more than 3 million EU citizens living in the UK

But British citizens will no longer have the automatic right to live and work in the EU and vice versa. People who want to cross the border to settle will have to follow immigration rules and face other bureaucracies, such as ensuring that their qualifications are recognized.

The exception is people moving between the UK and Ireland, who have a separate common area for travel.

For many in the EU, the freedom to travel, study and live anywhere in the 27-nation bloc is among the most attractive aspects of European integration.

However, some in Britain and other parts of Western Europe became more skeptical about freedom of movement after several ex-communist nations in Eastern Europe joined the EU in 2004 and many of their citizens moved to the Kingdom United Kingdom and other rich countries to work. Immigration concerns were an important factor in the 2016 Brexit vote in Britain. On January 1, the consequences of that decision will become apparent to British and European citizens.



While holiday travel remains visa-free, British citizens will only be able to spend 90 days out of every 180 in the EU, while the UK will allow European citizens to stay for up to six consecutive months.

For retired British citizens who are used to spending more than three months in their second homes on the sunny Costa del Sol, the move could come as a shock. British travelers in Europe will also have to have at least six months left in their passports and purchase their own travel insurance. The British will no longer receive the European Health Insurance Card, which guarantees access to medical care across the block, but the UK says it is establishing a replacement system for UK visitors to the block and EU citizens visiting Britain still has medical coverage.



For British citizens accustomed to taking their dog, cat or ferret on vacation in Europe each summer, the situation will become more complicated as Britain will no longer be part of the EU pet passport scheme – although the agreement avoid the costly procedures of months that some feared. Pet owners in the UK must have their pet microchipped and vaccinated against rabies at least 21 days prior to travel, and must obtain an Animal Health Certificate from a veterinarian no later than 10 days before departure.



The deal means that British drivers will not need an international driving license after crossing the English Channel. British drivers can travel in the EU with their UK licenses and insurance, provided they have proof that they are insured in the form of a “green card”.



The end of freedom of movement will have a major impact on hiring at all ends of the labor market.

A newly graduated British citizen on holiday in the Greek islands, for example, will not be able to go to a beach bar and look for part-time work without having the necessary visa. The same applies to European citizens arriving in the United Kingdom. They will not be able to show up at a cafeteria like Pret a Manger and look for work without the necessary documentation.

Larger companies will also find it much more difficult and expensive to hire people on the other side. The agreement includes provisions to allow contractors and business travelers to make short-term work trips without visas.


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