Boxing Day game sales: Nintendo Switch package deals, PS5 games and more

If you’re looking for game sales on Boxing Day, you’ll find better deals on games than on consoles on December 26th. This is mainly because the demand for hardware was so high in the run for Christmas in the UK, with all The major consoles are basically sold out – most notably the newest Xbox Series X and PS5, which have been very difficult to achieve since their launches. in November.

In Boxing Day sales, we see mainly game offers on the PS5, Xbox Series X, PS5, PS4 and Nintendo Switch. Ubisoft’s three big open-world games of 2020 are the pioneers for the best discounts, here: Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Watch Dogs Legion and Immortals Fenyx Rising are all cheaper than at launch. But if you’re a new PS5 owner, you’ll also find discounts not too bad on the first titles of the next generation Demon’s Souls and Godfall. Considering that these games cost up to £ 69.99 each, saving a little money is welcome.
