Boris Johnson: ‘America is back without reservation as the leader of the free world’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson praised on Friday the work of President bidenJoe BidenDeath’s toll due to winter weather rises to at least 40: AP On The Money: Internal panels on GameStop, Robinhood | Manchin meets wage advocates | Yellen says to go big, GOP says to wait Main political donor sentenced to 12 years in prison for illegal campaign contributions MORE in his first few weeks at the White House, noting that America is back “as the leader of the free world”, helping to unite the West.

“As you’ve seen and heard before, America is back without reservation as the leader of the free world and that’s a fantastic thing,” Johnson said at the Munich Security Conference, referring to a speech by Biden earlier in the day.

During his virtual appearance at a session of the Munich Security Conference, Biden emphasized the United States’ support for the transatlantic alliance and pledged to work together to meet mutual challenges.

“I am sending a clear message to the world, America is back. The transatlantic alliance is back and we are not looking back. We are looking forward together, ”said Biden.

Biden’s message marked a clear departure from the “America first” foreign policy approach that his predecessor President TrumpDonald TrumpThune: Trump allies participating in the ‘cancellation culture’ by punishing senators who voted to condemn the Biden government open to restart nuclear talks with Iran The Trump-McConnell rift divides Republican donors MORE promulgated during his four years in office. Some of the measures taken under this approach have also generated conflicts with European countries.

“The darkness has been exaggerated,” said Johnson. “And we’re turning a corner and the countries we call the West are coming together and combining their formidable strength and experience once again.”
