Bo Snerdley recalls Rush Limbaugh as ‘Founding Father of second generation’ who ‘returned his talent to God’

James Golden, longtime producer of “The Rush Limbaugh Show” and call evaluator – better known to millions of listeners as “Bo Snerdley” or “Mr. Snerdley”, honored the iconic announcer as a friend and colleague on Thursday ” Hannity “.

“Our beloved Rush has returned his talent to God,” an emotional Snerdley told presenter Sean Hannity, commenting on Limbaugh’s favorite self-description as having “God-borrowed talent.”

“We cannot wrap our arms around it,” added Snerdley. “We cannot wrap our brains and hearts around it … we are very grateful to him.

Limbaugh died Wednesday at the age of 70 from complications of lung cancer.

“You know, Rush is a second generation founding father to me,” continued Snerdley. “One man has changed so many trajectories in this country. When Rush started his career, there were approximately 1,200 radio stations, making the radio talk format. Today, there are more than 12,000.”

“There was nowhere on TV where you could get a conservative ideology; where you could get the values ​​that represent what most Americans believe until Rush,” continued Snerdley. “He changed the media. He changed the landscape.”

He added that Limbaugh’s audience did not fit into any specific demographic, but instead ranged from “young children” to “older or older. [citizens]. “

“In addition to all these achievements,” said Snerdley. “Rush Limbaugh was one of the best human beings you would like to meet. A generous, wonderful and beautiful spirit; humble, a gentleman … never looked down on people.”

Snerdley admitted that he is deeply irritated to hear and read Limbaugh’s obituaries in the media that describe him as racist or misogynist or to spread other “falsehoods” about his life and career.

“It burns my soul when people tarnish your reputation with falsehood, calling you a racist. This man was an incredible phenomenon – and we love you, Rush.”


Over the years, Limbaugh would include Snerdley in his program, offering him airtime as the “Official Obama Critic”.

Hannity commented that when he and Snerdley worked in adjacent radio studios on New York’s WABC radio, he used to come and greet the Limbaugh crew and witness Snerdley jokingly and sometimes hanging up on the call.

“There were two shows going on [at once], true or false? “asked the host.

“That’s true, Sean,” Snerdley laughed.
