Bloodborne Modder launches long-awaited 60 FPS hack

Hit 60 fps.

Hit 60 fps.
Print Screen: From Software / Sony

Bloodborne can now be reproduced with smooth visuals at 60 frames per second, thanks to the long-awaited launch of a unofficial patch. You will need a modified PlayStation 4 to test it, preferably a PS4 Pro.

The creator of the patch, Lance McDonald, is a kind of video game archaeologist, with cool things on his resume, like discovering a Nier: automata Cheat code and thorough examinations of PT environments. He started provocation your work in Bloodborne in early 2020 before putting the ball in Sony’s field, telling salivating fans that he would drop the patch as soon as it became clear that the PlayStation 4 game would not receive an official update or improvements on PlayStation 5.

“I will be releasing this patch publicly as soon as the PlayStation 5 is released and Sony makes it clear whether Bloodborne will be improved on that system in any way, ”said McDonald at the time. “Out of respect for the PlayStation, I want them to have the first chance to put 60 fps Bloodborne in the hands of the players. “

Now the day has finally come for McDonald to bestow Bloodborne players with their work. The required patch can be downloaded to your Patreon with some main instructions, although figuring out how to discard the game and make it work on a modified PlayStation 4 is up to you.

“Please have fun,” wrote McDonald.

Softer Bloodborne

