Blake Lively reflects on post-baby body insecurity

“It’s not a big message for women when their bodies don’t fit what brands have to offer.”

Blake Lively has been looking for setbacks on her Instagram.

The star reflected on a year ago when she recently gave birth to her third child and was advertising for her film The rhythm section.

As part of the setbacks, Blake reflected on his post-baby body insecurity and the difficulties he encountered in looking for clothes.

“I put together a Lavin shirt and a Netaporter dress to make this beautiful outfit,” she started, approaching her look in Fall over in January 2020. “Because no one had samples that would fit me after delivery. And many clothes from stores didn’t fit, either. So many.”

“It’s not a big message for women when their bodies don’t fit what brands have to offer. It is alienating and confusing. And I would like to feel as confident as I do now, a year later, looking back. body gave me a baby. And he was producing that baby’s entire food supply. “

“What a beautiful miracle,” she continued. “But instead of feeling proud, I felt insecure. Simply because it didn’t fit in clothes. How silly is that, in retrospect?”

Angela Weiss / Getty Images

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