Billie Eilish speaks to Rosalía Collab ‘Lo Vas a Olvidar’

“So my mom, my dad, Finneas, me, Finneas’s girlfriend, Claudia, we all went to the studio and listened, and Finneas and I thought, ‘Should we just write this line now?'”, She recalled. “So I was sitting in the living room with my whole family. The two of us, all of us, including my mom and dad, they thought, ‘What if it was like …’ We were all coming up with ideas. So, technically they should have a essay credit, because we all wrote that line at the very end. “

Although the last line is in English, Eilish convinced the flamenco singer to write and record the song mainly in Spanish because of her appreciation for multilingual music.

“I remember when we were writing the song, I remember it saying something about, ‘It must be in English.’ And I said, ‘No, no, no. It should be in Spanish. Is so beautiful.’ And I always loved music that was not in English, “said the singer from” Therefore I Am “to Lowe.” I like tons of music in languages ​​that I don’t even speak … I’ve been very intrigued by this for most of my life . There are so many songs in Russian that I like, Spanish and French. “

Watch Eilish’s interview on Apple Music below
