Biden’s national security adviser makes introductory calls with foreign counterparts

Jake SullivanJake SullivanBiden at the nix border wall, ‘Muslim ban’ on the first day in office Biden to sign a flood of executive actions in the early hours of the presidency Biden asked to reverse the Pompeo-Trump movement in Houthis MORE, President Biden’s national security adviser, made his first calls with his foreign peers from France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan on Thursday, the White House said.

Sullivan carried out what the new government described as “separate introductory calls” with French diplomatic adviser Emmanuel Bonne, British foreign secretary Dominic Raab, German foreign policy adviser Jan Hecker, and Shigeru Kitamura, the head of the Security Secretariat National of Japan on Thursday, Biden’s first full day at the office.

“With European partners, Mr. Sullivan highlighted the Biden government’s intention to strengthen the transatlantic alliance and affirmed our willingness to work closely with European allies on a number of common priorities, including issues related to China, Iran and Russia ”National Security Council spokeswoman Emily Horne said.

Horne said Sullivan emphasized the importance of the US-Japan alliance in its connection with Kitamura and the new government’s desire to face the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic in China and North Korea.

The calls are expected and represent an effort by Sullivan to reach important foreign allies as the new government begins.

Separately, Biden is due to make his first call with a foreign leader on Friday. White House Press Secretary Jen PsakiJen PsakiOvernight Defense: House approves resignation of Biden’s Pentagon nominee | Biden to seek extension of five-year arms control pact with Russia | Two more US servicemen killed by COVID-19 Biden to seek a five-year extension of the arms control pact with Russia, White House communications director: ‘Biden will not be breaking news at 1 am on Twitter’ MORE told reporters earlier this week that Biden planned to speak to the Canadian Prime Minister Justin TrudeauJustin Pierre James Trudeau Morning report from The Hill – Biden takes office, calls for an end to the ‘uncivil war’ Biden’s first foreign leader summoned Trudeau from Canada on Friday. World leaders congratulate Biden for becoming president MORE.

“I hope they will certainly discuss the important relationship with Canada, as well as [Biden’s] decision on the Keystone pipeline he announced today, “Psaki told reporters on Wednesday.
