Biden’s flight home on Air Force One

President Biden’s first flight on Air Force One as commander in chief lasted 25 minutes – about a third of the time it takes Acela to chart his beloved Amtrak route from DC to Wilmington.

What is he saying: It is a “great honor” to ride as president on the iconic symbol of American power and diplomacy, Biden told reporters on the runway as he landed at New Castle National Guard Air Force Base.

  • “You know, they use this air strip to practice landings for the 747 takeoffs from the president’s plane for a long time,” said Biden, with the nostalgia of someone who has a home just three miles away. “Now I’m getting off that plane. It is really strange. “

Behind the scenes: Axios was on board the sunset flight from Biden back to Delaware on Friday.

  • At Andrews Joint Base, he placed a challenge coin in the palm of the colonel’s hand who greeted and saluted him before boarding at 5:31 pm. The flight had wheels at 5:42 pm and landed at 6:07 pm.
  • The family visit over the weekend takes place between their son Hunter’s birthday and the Super Bowl, between a crucial vote on the budget structure of COVID-19 and the impeachment trial of former President Trump.
  • On-board TVs showed ESPN – and CNN, a departure from their predecessor’s viewing habits.
  • Everyone, including the president, wore masks.
  • Biden did not discuss politics with his press – nor did he make the usual trip to the back of the cabin for small talk in the middle of the pandemic, opting for a short conversation outdoors after the flight.
  • After 36 years in the United States Senate and eight years as a wing of Barack Obama, Biden flew countless flights on all types of government aircraft. Friday’s short flight was on the “baby” plane, a 757, not the big 747. It’s “a big plane,” he said. “It is the same plane that we had as vice president, only it is much more pleasant”.
