Biden’s first priorities unite the country against him

President Joe Biden’s first priorities are to unite the country against him, an adviser to former President Donald Trump said on Saturday.

“Does any normal person in this country think that the top priority is to ensure that we do not deport illegal foreign criminals who have committed violent crimes against American citizens?” Stephen Miller, who has been a Trump adviser for four years, said during a Fox News appearance ‘”Watters World”.

Miller also made reference to Biden’s executive orders canceling the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and returning to the Paris Climate Agreement.

“Whose priorities are these? They are the priorities of a narrow group of special interests on the extreme left, who have jobs, wealth and security and who despise ordinary citizens who just want to live a better, safer and healthier life, “said Miller.

Although Biden has promised to unite the country, so far “he has united Democrats, Republicans and independents against his open border agenda,” added Miller.

Epoch Times Photo
President Joe Biden signs an executive order while Vice President Kamala Harris watches during an economic crisis event at the White House State Dining Room in Washington on January 22, 2021. (Alex Wong / Getty Images)

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters after Biden signed a series of orders on the day of inauguration that Biden “will rule for all Americans”.

“This, of course, has to be supported by actions, as you conveyed,” she added. “But he will venture to do that in – in every policy he follows, in every commitment he has, because he feels that if we can come together, we will be a stronger country.”

Some constituencies that endorsed Biden have announced opposition to some of the orders signed in their early days in office.

The International Union of North American Workers applauded when Biden won the election. But the union criticized Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline, saying it “would kill thousands of well-paid union jobs”. The United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters of the Union also announced opposition to the cancellation.

Biden’s moratorium on new oil leases and drilling licenses has also drawn criticism.

“During his inauguration, President Biden spoke about the union of our nation. Eliminating drilling on public lands will cost thousands of new Mexicans their jobs and destroy what remains of our state’s economy, ”Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway told the Associated Press. “How does this unite us? Environmental efforts must be fair and well researched, not automatic mandates that only hurt an already impoverished state. “
