Biden to issue executive voting access order on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday

The order comes when, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, more than 250 bills have been presented in state chambers across the country that would restrict access to voting after the United States saw record voter turnout during the 2020 elections. Republicans pushing for restrictions say they are necessary for “electoral integrity” after former President Donald Trump lied that his loss was due to major electoral fraud.

In a call with reporters on Saturday afternoon, the government acknowledged that voting access laws were primarily the responsibility of Congress and state houses across the country. “The president has no executive authority to prevent a state from taking this type of action. This would require Congressional action, ”said a government official.

Last week, the Chamber passed the “Law for the People”, or HR 1, a major project to reform voting rights that would lead to a major expansion of voting rights and a revision of redistricting laws. Republicans have already said they plan to block the bill in the Senate, which means it would need 60 votes to pass, making it extremely unlikely to make it to Biden’s table.

This did not go unnoticed by the government official, who said: “I think we are all looking at a crystal ball about what can happen, but this president hopes to be able to sign legislation that comes to him to support access to the vote.”

In addition to issuing the executive order, Biden will also make virtual comments at the Martin and Coretta King Unity Breakfast, which celebrates the march of Selma’s voting rights to Montgomery. During these observations, he must press for the approval of HR1 and severely criticize the measures to restrict voting rights.

According to a script of his prepared remarks, Biden will say that “for black Americans, the fundamental right to vote has been denied by white supremacy, both hidden behind white hoods and in plain sight, from parliaments to the courts.”
