Biden supports changes to Senate obstruction rules

President Biden said in an interview on Tuesday that he is in favor of revising the obstruction rules that could help Democrats use their majority in the Senate to crush legislative initiatives without even looking at their Republican colleagues.

Biden did not call for the elimination of the lawsuit – he does not have Senate support, even if he did – but he did support lawmakers seen as moderates who want changes to some of the rules.

“You have to do what it used to be when I arrived in the Senate, in the old days. You had to get up and command the floor, you had to keep talking … so you have to work for the obstruction,” he said.

Biden was interviewed by ABC News and signaled that he wants to bring back the “talking obstruction”, which has been supported by several Democrats.

“It’s getting to the point where, you know, democracy is having a hard time working,” said Biden.

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell and other Republicans have criticized the democratic pressure that has been gaining momentum. McConnell warned on Tuesday of a “scorched earth” landscape if Democrats lifted the obstruction.

“Let me say this very clearly to all 99 of my colleagues: no one serving in this House can even begin – or even imagine – what a completely scorched earth Senate would be like,” McConnell said in a Senate speech.

McConnell said the Trump and Obama party stalemate would seem like a “child’s play” compared to what is to come.


“Everything the Democratic Senates did to Presidents Bush and Trump, everything the Republican Senate did to President Obama, would be child’s play compared to the disaster that Democrats would create for their own priorities if – if – they broke the Senate,” said McConnell.

The Senate is split evenly 50-50, with the deciding vote going to Vice President Harris. In most legislations, there must be a limit of 60 votes to bring most of the legislation to President Biden’s table. The obstruction can be invoked as long as there are less than 60 senators willing to vote to end the debate on any particular bill.


The Washington Post pointed out that, in recent years, senators trying to block legislation would have to speak for hours, but these senators today only need to announce their desire to obstruct a bill.

Senate majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Attacked the obstruction in a speech to the Senate plenary on Monday and said he preferred to return to “permanent obstruction”.

“If a senator insists on blocking the Senate’s will, he [or she] you must pay a minimum price to be present. No more calling, “said Durbin.” If your principles are so important, defend them, say what you think, keep your word and show your determination. “

McConnell quoted Durbin from a 2018 interview with ABC on Tuesday, in which he said obstruction is essential for the Senate.

“I can say that it would be the end of the Senate, as it was originally conceived and created since our Founding Fathers,” said Durbin of getting rid of the obstruction. “We have to acknowledge our respect for the minority, and that is what the Senate tries to do in its composition and in its procedure.”

Democrats have no vote to remove an obstruction, but some senior senators have spoken out in favor of some changes to the rules.

Senator Joe Manchin, DW.Va, said he would never vote to remove the obstruction, but he seemed open to a change of rule during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday”.

“Maybe it has to be more painful, maybe you have to stay put. There are things we can talk about,” said Manchin.

Fox News Tyler Olson and the Associated Press contributed to this report
