Biden says latest executive order will rebuild America’s’ backbone

President Biden signed an executive order on Monday to increase federal purchases of products made in the United States, describing it as a step towards rebuilding the “backbone of America” ​​and strengthening the middle class.

“Today, we are beginning to work to rebuild America’s backbone – manufacturing, unions, the middle class. It is based on the simple premise that we will reward work and not wealth in this country, ”said Biden in statements at the White House. “The main platform of the future will be made in America.”

The order was designed to strengthen the rules surrounding the Buy American Act that requires federal agencies to purchase products made in the United States, according to government officials.

This will create a new senior role in the White House’s Office of Administration and Budget to oversee the implementation of the government’s “Made in America” initiative, aimed at reducing unnecessary layoffs granted to agencies to purchase foreign products. It will also guide employees to create a website where exemptions can be seen publicly to help other companies compete.

The order also aims to increase domestic content requirements and improve the way domestic content is measured to close loopholes exploited by companies, officials said.

He will also direct agencies to use the manufacturing extension partnership, a network of small and medium-sized businesses across the country, which Biden said would help win contracts for communities historically left out of government procurement.

“This is a critical piece to rebuild our economy better and include everyone in a business this time around, especially the small businesses that are suffering badly in this economy,” said Biden.

Old President TrumpMore than two-thirds of Americans approve of the response to Biden’s coronavirus: Sarah Huckabee Sanders poll to run for president of Mexico presents positive tests for COVID-19 MORE signed a similar order months after taking office, which aimed to tighten visa rules for qualified foreign workers and instructed the government to fully comply with the “Buy in America” laws.

But Biden accused the previous government of not taking the issue “seriously enough” and said that “tens of billions” of taxpayer dollars went to support foreign industries and jobs.

Monday’s executive order, Biden said, “would toughen existing ‘Buy America’ policies and go further.”

Biden characterized the request as a step in the broader economic plan he outlined during his campaign to boost US industries and help end dependence on products made abroad at a time when American companies are suffering a lot due to the pandemic. of the coronavirus.

Biden said his long-term plan would involve the federal government investing in American-made goods to rebuild US infrastructure and buy clean electric cars to spur job creation.

The president also noted that the pandemic exposed the deficiencies in the US supply chains and emphasized the need for the country to produce its own protective equipment and essential supplies.

“The reason we need to do this is that America cannot be left out of the race for the future,” said Biden. “To ensure that America’s future is made, we need to win not just today’s jobs, but tomorrow’s jobs and industries. We know that the middle class built this country and we also know that unions build the middle class. So, let’s invest in them one more time. ”
