Biden says Governor Andrew Cuomo should step down if the allegations are confirmed in the investigation

WASHINGTON – President Biden said New York Governor Andrew Cuomo should step down if an investigation confirms allegations of inappropriate behavior made against him by several women.

Biden said in an interview with ABC News that he also thought Cuomo “would likely end up being prosecuted” if the investigation confirms the allegations. The comments were the strongest ever made by Biden, who has been a political ally of the New York governor.

Three women who worked for Mr. Cuomo and a woman currently on his team accused him of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. Attorney General Letitia James is overseeing an investigation into the allegations. Several New York Democratic leaders, including Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, have asked Cuomo to step down.

Mr. Cuomo said that he never touched anyone inappropriately. He had already apologized to anyone who said his behavior bothered them.

Biden said in the interview with ABC, which will be shown in full on Wednesday, that the investigation must determine the veracity of the allegations: “This is what is happening now”. He said it would be up to others to determine whether Cuomo can be effective as a governor now.

He added: “There may be a criminal case linked to this. I just don’t know. “

Mr. Biden said that, in general, “it must be assumed that a woman is telling the truth and should not be used as a scapegoat and become victimized for speaking up”. He said that “it takes a lot of courage to move forward. Therefore, it is assumed that they should be taken seriously. And it must be investigated. And that is what is happening now. “

Spokesmen for the governor did not return e-mails immediately seeking comment.

Mr. Cuomo said that people should withhold the trial until James’ investigation is completed. Biden told reporters on Sunday: “I think the investigation is underway and we should see what it brings.”

As a presidential candidate, Biden denied a claim by former Senate official Tara Reade that he assaulted her when she worked in her office in 1993. Biden and his aides said the allegations were false.

Democrats who dominate the New York State Assembly have started an impeachment investigation into Cuomo’s behavior in the office, as well as the way his government handled Covid-19 in nursing homes.

Federal prosecutors have requested data on deaths in nursing homes and are interested in producing a July Department of Health report on how Covid-19 affected these facilities, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Cuomo said he is cooperating with the federal investigation.

Write to Ken Thomas at [email protected]

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Published in the March 17, 2021 print edition as ‘Biden says Cuomo should go if the claims are confirmed’.
