Biden requires international travelers to be quarantined upon arrival in the USA

President Biden signed an executive order on Thursday to support the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommending that international travelers be quarantined for seven days after their arrival in the United States.

Executive Order of Biden says travelers must comply with CDC orders requiring a negative COVID-19 test to enter the country, as well as a quarantine period upon arrival in the states.

The CDC recently launched a new mandate require international travelers to have a negative coronavirus test at least three days before the flight. The mandate is set to go into effect on Tuesday.

Biden also signaled that he wants US agencies to talk to Canada and Mexico about the COVID-19 protocols at the country’s entrance doors.

The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of HHS, the Secretary of Transport, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Director of the CDC, must immediately begin diplomatic work for the governments of Canada and Mexico in relation to public health protocols. for inland ports of entry, ”states the request.

These agencies have two weeks to return to Biden with a plan of health measures that they recommend at ports of entry.

Biden also wants agencies to “act immediately” to require people to wear masks at airports and on commercial aircraft, trains, public sea vessels – including ferries – intercity bus services and all public transport. These agencies can make exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

Many of these measures were already in place during the pandemic. Companies and public transport have been demanding masks and the CDC had its guidelines for international travel published before Biden took office.

Biden promised to be very proactive with regard to the coronavirus pandemic. Millions of Americans have already been vaccinated against the deadly virus and millions more expect to be vaccinated soon.
