Biden plans a flood of executive actions from day one

The Biden government says it will start running with a series of executive orders on the first day.

President-elect Joe Biden’s new chief of staff said in a memo to reporters that Biden will end an eventful day of inaugural pomp by using the powers of his new office to promote changes in housing policies, student loans, climate change and immigration.

Executive actions to be taken on Wednesday include returning to the Paris climate agreements, reversing the travel ban in several Muslim-majority countries, extending a pause on federal loan payments to students, suspending evictions and foreclosures, and forcing masks on interstate travel on federal property.

Most of the measures are a reversal of the policies adopted by Trump and do not require action by Congress. But Biden will also unveil a long-awaited immigration proposal that would provide a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants that requires Congressional action.

That move, as well as Biden’s recent proposal of $ 1.9 trillion in spending on COVID vaccines and economic stimulus, face tough battles in a Congress closely controlled by other Biden Democrats.

The new chief of staff, Ron Klain, said a broader set of executive orders will arrive days after taking office. These measures include the expansion of COVID-19 testing and the government’s orientation to favor American-made products.

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The Biden government says it will start running with a series of executive orders on the first day.

President-elect Joe Biden’s new chief of staff said in a memo to reporters that Biden will end an eventful day of inaugural pomp by using the powers of his new office to promote changes in housing policies, student loans, climate change and immigration.

Executive actions, to be taken on Wednesday, include returning to the Paris climate agreements, reversing the travel ban in several Muslim-majority countries, extending a pause in federal student loan payments, suspending evictions and foreclosures, as well how to compel interstate travel and on federally owned masks.

Most of the measures are a reversal of Trump’s policies and do not require Congressional action. But Biden will also unveil a long-awaited immigration proposal that would provide a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants, and that requires Congressional action.

That move, as well as Biden’s recent proposal of $ 1.9 trillion in spending on COVID vaccines and economic stimulus, face tough battles in a Congress closely controlled by other Biden Democrats.

The new chief of staff, Ron Klain, said a broader set of executive orders will come in the days after the inauguration. These measures include the expansion of COVID-19 testing and the government’s orientation to favor American-made products.
