Biden meeting with Republican Senators on Monday about coronavirus relief

A group of Republican Party senators will meet President Biden on Monday after presenting his own coronavirus relief structure.

“We appreciate the president’s quick response to our letter and are pleased to accept his invitation to the White House tomorrow afternoon to discuss the way forward for the sixth Covid-19 six-party aid package,” Republican senators said in a joint statement. .

The group includes GOP Sens. Susan CollinsSusan Margaret CollinsBiden reignites immigration struggle in Congress Paul says that Roberts’ absence ‘crystallized’ the argument against Trump’s impeachment. Democrats ready to bypass Republicans in the COVID-19 relief bill MORE (Maine), Lisa MurkowskiLisa Ann MurkowskiPaul says Roberts’ absence “crystallized” the argument against Trump’s impeachment How McConnell derailed Trump’s impeachment trial before Kaine started looking next week to file censorship in order to bar Trump from the future job . (Alaska), Bill CassidyBill CassidySunday shows a preview: New variants of COVID-19 spread across the USA; Redditors shake Wall Street with Gamestop shares ENERGY OF THE NIGHT: Biden signs a series of requests to tackle climate change | Republicans pressure Granholm on fossil fuels during confirmation hearing Republicans pressure Granholm on fossil fuels during confirmation hearing MORE (There.), Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt RomneyRomney explodes news of Trump call with Taylor Greene: ‘Lies of a feather come together’ Marjorie Taylor Greene preaches Trump call amid growing reaction Leaving the GOP after 46 years and feeling ‘politically homeless’ MORE (Utah), Rob PortmanRobert (Rob) Jones PortmanSunday shows a preview: New variants of COVID-19 spread across the USA; Redditors shake Wall Street with Gamestop shares The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Facebook – Which way will Democrats follow the COVID-19 bill? Democrats ready to bypass Republicans in the COVID-19 relief bill MORE (Ohio), Shelley Moore CapitoShelley Wellons Moore CapitoModerates promises to ‘be a force’ under Biden The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden’s crisis agenda hits headwinds Senate bipartisan gang to talk to Biden advisor about coronavirus relief MORE (W.Va.), Todd YoungTodd Christopher YoungSenate panel advances Buttigieg nomination by 21-3 Trump votes, allies increase pressure in GOP Senate before impeachment Moderates promise to ‘be a force’ under Biden MORE (Ind), Jerry MoranGerald (Jerry) MoranSenate GOP closes on impeachment. Moderates promise to ‘be a force’ under Biden’s morning report The Hill – Biden’s crisis agenda hits headwinds MORE (Kan.), Mike RoundsMike RoundsBipartisan group that discusses changing Senate rules The Senate GOP signals that it is likely to acquit Trump a second time (SD) and Thom TillisThomas (Thom) Roland TillisSenate GOP signals that he is likely to acquit Trump a second time. Senate Committee advances Biden’s DHS choice, despite Republican resistance, Democrat Jeff Jackson enters the Senate race in North Carolina MORE (NC).

White House Press Secretary Jen PsakiJen PsakiMenendez calls for sanction against Russia after Navalny protests. Biden signs executive orders at a furious pace. Biden and Yellen call for quick action on coronavirus relief package MORE disclosed on Sunday night that Biden had spoken to Collins, whom he had previously served in the Senate and who took the lead in an attempt to leverage bipartisan negotiations in the next round of coronavirus relief, and invited her and the other nine Republican senators to the White House.

Republican Party senators outlined their own structure for the coronavirus on Sunday, which Cassidy put at around $ 600 billion – less than a third of Biden’s $ 1.9 trillion plan.

The Republican Party’s proposal would include checks for $ 1,000, while Democrats are pushing for checks for $ 1,400. It also includes more money for vaccines, extends unemployment insurance and includes things like nutritional assistance, small business aid and money for schools and daycare centers.

The Republican Party letter arrives at a time when Democrats seem ready to act this week to set the stage for passing a possible coronavirus relief bill through reconciliation, a budgetary process that will allow them to avoid legislative obstruction. 60 votes in the Senate.

The House will vote on the budget resolution this week, which will include instructions for drafting the coronavirus bill, with the Senate hoping to move quickly. Democrats hope to pass the coronavirus relief bill by mid-March, when unemployment insurance is about to expire.

But Republicans showed no signs of supporting a $ 1.9 trillion bill after Congress passed an additional $ 900 billion in coronavirus relief last year – the fifth package that Congress passed.

Instead, Republican Party senators, in their letter, urged Biden to work with them on a proposal, which they predicted could pass through Congress if he supported it.

“The proposal we have outlined takes these previous efforts into account, while recognizing the priorities that need additional support now,” wrote the Republican senators.

“With your support, we believe that Congress can once again design an aid package that will provide meaningful and effective assistance to the American people and put us on the road to recovery,” they added.

Democrats have narrow margins in both houses, and progressives, who see $ 1.9 trillion as the minimum that Congress should spend, would likely refuse a substantially lower price.

In addition to talking to Collins, Psaki said that Biden talked to the mayor Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiFBI: Woman caught in a riot on Capitol Hill allegedly said she wanted to shoot Pelosi ‘in the goddamn’ brain ‘. Did Trump know what was going to happen on January 6? Marjorie Taylor Greene announces Trump call amid growing reaction MORE (D-California) and Democratic Senate leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerP Capitol’s permanent fencing proposal sparks bipartisan resistance Immigration reform can’t wait Psaki expects DHS nominee Mayorkas to head the task force to bring separate families together MORE (DN.Y.) on Sunday.

“He is grateful that Congress is prepared to begin action on the American Rescue Plan in just his second full week in office,” she said.

Psaki also gave no indication that Biden was considering abandoning his $ 1.9 trillion proposal for a smaller plan.

“The American rescue plan … is extremely necessary. As the leading economists have said, the danger now is not to do much: it is to do very little,” she added.

The White House invitation also came when Schumer, speaking to reporters in New York, reiterated his warning that Democrats were willing to move on without Republicans if they did not support a “bold” plan.

“We intend to move on. We hope to be able to advance in a bipartisan manner with the cooperation of our Republican colleagues. But we need a big and bold action and, if we cannot move on with them, we will have to move on on our own. Doing the job in a very bold way is the number one priority, “he added.

Schumer also seemed cold with the Republican Party proposal, telling the New York Daily News that Republicans “should negotiate”.

“If the reports are true, there is no state and local money in it. Just look at one thing, ”said Schumer.
