Beyond DC: protests rock California, Utah, Michigan and more


Pro-Trump and anti-Trump protesters met in Los Angeles City Hall at around 1 pm Pacific time, the Los Angeles Police Department said.

When some pro-Trump protesters tried to “catch” an intersection, they were met by anti-Trump protesters, resulting in a physical confrontation, police said.

“The LAPD Metropolitan Division was in place, but was not involved in any crowd management or control,” said the police.

An illegal assembly was declared and six people were arrested: three for carrying prohibited items during a public demonstration, two for not dispersing and one for resisting / obstructing an officer.

Washington State

Just before 3 pm PT, protesters had access to the grounds of the Washington State Governor’s Mansion in Olympia, Washington, said Washington State Patrol spokesman Darren Wright.

The state patrol responded to the first call for a violation and police officers dispersed the crowd, Wright said.

“They didn’t have access to the entrance itself, only to the ground,” said Wright, adding that the protest was peaceful.

No arrests were made, he said.

The state patrol is investigating how the violation occurred, he said.

Washington Governor Jay Inslee said in a video message that he was safe.


The altercations broke out at the Oregon Capitol in Salem “despite repeated attempts to prevent opposing groups from converging on violence,” said Salem police.

The altercations “ended quickly when the police arrived,” the police said.

“No force was needed to separate the two groups,” added the police.

The Oregon State Police, which declared the event an illegal assembly, said a person was arrested for harassment and disorderly conduct.


About 400 Trump supporters gathered at the Utah Capitol in Salt Lake City, reported The Salt Lake Tribune.

The Salt Lake Tribune reported that one of its photographers was sprayed with pepper spray and verbally harassed while covering the protest.

Utah Governor Spencer Cox tweeted in response: “This is disgusting. We will work with Capitol security to ensure that the perpetrator (s) are held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


About 700 to 800 people came to the Michigan Capitol lawn in Lansing, some carrying rifles and “Stop stealing” signs, the Detroit Free Press reported.

A woman was holding a sign that said: “ELECTION # IS AS TELEPHONE AS COVID # S”.

No one tried to enter the building, Free Press said, and the state police called the crowd “cooperative”.


About 100 protesters, some armed with long weapons, went to the Georgia Capitol in Atlanta, the Associated Press reported.

Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, and his team evacuated their offices while protesters gathered outside.


Hundreds of Trump supporters gathered outside the Colorado Capitol in Denver for a peaceful rally, reported The Denver Post.

Some wore hardened helmets, knee pads and gloves with knuckles, while others held signs that read “The media is the virus,” the Post reported.

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock said he had instructed the city’s municipal buildings to close earlier “just in case.”


About 500 Trump supporters, some dressed in colonial-era dress, gathered at the Minnesota Capitol in St. Paul, reported the Star Tribune.

Some protesters laughed when they learned that the crowd was surrounding the United States Capitol in DC, the newspaper said.

“We will fight, we will fall, there will be casualties,” said local Republican Party leader Alley Waterbury, according to the Tribune. “I will be the first victim, I don’t care.”

“This is 1776 … the time for talking is over,” a man told the Tribune. “Being on the right side of history because we are about to do that.”

Minnesota state soldiers guarded the Capitol entrances. Some protesters went from the Capitol to the governor’s home, which was guarded by state soldiers, according to the newspaper.


About 1,000 Trump supporters converged on the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix for a 10-hour protest, The Arizona Republic reported.

Some Trump supporters knocked on the doors of the state capitol building, shouting “Freedom!” and shouting for the governor, the newspaper reported.

Some protesters brought a wooden guillotine with a Trump flag on it, the Republic reported.
