Best New York restaurants in New York in 2020

Welcome to Year in Eater 2020, Eater’s annual ritual to praise the past 12 months. In the last days of 2020, Eater NY will post questions about the New York City restaurant scene last year, with responses from food writers, photographers, chefs, restaurant owners, businessmen and even some local lawmakers who helped support the industry through this extremely difficult year. Now, we ask: What newcomer on the scene has excited you this year?

Erika Chou, co-owner of restaurants, including Wayla and Kimika: Pecking House. I’m from the South – created with fried chicken and my mother’s excellent Chinese food, so that concept really hits home! It is also an inspiring message of hope to see a family’s lineage continue and grow, especially during a year of hardship.

Nikita Richardson, senior editor of the team, NYT Food: I was very excited about the arrival of Boca Santa, a Mexican restaurant by Mexican-American chef Natalie Hernandez. Unfortunately, they closed this month, which is a shame.

Keith Powers, NYC Council member: I have been eating at Soothr (pronounced “Sood”) in the East Village, which opened this year, because of its special Thai dishes and its much-needed backyard garden. It has good food, a desirable backyard and does not break the bank. Everything perfect for 2020.

Chris Crowley, team writer, Grub Street: Before March, I was really excited about Rule of Thirds, which seemed like a cool and ambitious place. Since then, many people in the sector are out of work, many people have seen all the work they put into restaurants, bars, stores catching fire. So it has been nice to see some people taking advantage of a bad year for the industry. Andrés Tonatiuh Galindo Maria with Nene’s Taqueria, Doris Ho-Kane with Bạn Bè, all unemployed chefs who have been doing their own thing and selling on Instagram.

NYC editor Tae Yoon Thrillist: A recent meal at Leland Eating and Drinking House in Prospect Heights got me very excited. The venue opened last week with industry veteran Randi Lee, on a corner of Underhill Avenue and a block from the bustle of Vanderbilt Avenue, giving it a great neighborhood vibe. The menu consists of a variety of baked goods like focaccia and vegan cinnamon rolls to help stay layered throughout the winter, in addition to a great jook and chicken dish. With a debut like this, I’m excited to see what 2021 has in store for the restaurant.

Mimi Sheraton, food writer, critic and cookbook author: When the pandemic is over, Portale and Mark’s Off Madison. Mark Strausman was the original chef for Coco Pazzo. It is now open on the 26th with Madison; he is also selling wonderful baked goods there, including bialys. (Mimi Sheraton is the author of The Bialy Eaters.)

Jackie Wang, nonprofit project manager Welcome to Chinatown: Public Village, opened earlier this year, specializes in snacks and noodles from Sichuan. Their crispy, spicy and savory dishes were great for picnics in the park this summer, and tasty and exciting homemade banquets this winter.

Brad Hoylman, New York state senator: Crop Circle. Affordable and exclusive food.

Carlina Rivera, NYC Council member: Bun Hut, which has great Caribbean flavors in its buns and steamed rotis, big enough to share.

JJ Johnson, chef and founder, Fieldtrip: The Renaissance Pavilion on Strivers’ Row.

Kat Kinsman, senior editor, Food and Wine: I can’t be biased here. John Winterman is a longtime dear friend and seeing Francie’s debut be forever postponed only broke my heart because I know how much blood, sweat, tears, heart and soul (not to mention money) he and Chris Cipollone put in place, and it broke my heart to see them in limbo. They managed to open for just seven services before dinner was closed again. I have already eaten the food and I know John’s service and the incredible care that the entire team has put into every aspect of the restaurant and I can confidently say that when they open correctly, people will be impressed.

Priya Krishna, food writer and author of the best-selling cookbook Indian: I loved all the new food businesses on Instagram that came up. One of my favorites was the bowl cutting table. They made a box of butter mochi with the tea theme that I bought for my partner, but then I ate most of the mochi on my own.

Adam Friedlander, freelance photographer at New York Times, Eater, etc.: For all the good stuff! I was amazed at what they are doing with the corn. It’s at the top of my list to revisit.

Kim Pham, co-founder, Omsom: Crown Heights Rangoon was one of the best meals I have eaten in a long time. Her backyard was a dream, even during rainy autumn nights.

Eric Adams, president of the Brooklyn neighborhood: Ras Plant Based is a great addition to Brooklyn’s burgeoning vegetable-based food scene.

Gary He, writer and culinary photographer, author of Astrolabe Newsletter: Thai Diner, which was exciting at first because it was the next phase of the restaurant group led by Ann Redding and Matt Danzer – Uncle Boons all day! What’s not to love? – but then it became essential after the closure of the OG during the pandemic. It served as a place where people could revisit and say goodbye to some of their favorite dishes. Going forward, Thai Diner is how the duo is keeping their core team members employed while planning their next move … who I was told may or may not include a Boons reboot.

Note: some responses have been edited for clarity and brevity.
