Best Buy PS5 and Xbox Series X Restock caused customers to stop

Best Buy launched a restocking of the PS5 and a restocking of the Xbox Series X / S this morning, and it did not go well. Although both stocks were apparently substantial, they were only picked up at the store, meaning that many went to checkout to find that not a single Best Buy near them had stock. In addition, there were cart issues, which at this point are only part of the purchase experience for a PS5 and Xbox Series X. And if that weren’t enough for PlayStation customers, the PS5’s stock ran out quickly , especially compared to the Xbox stock, which, at the time of publication, is still available in scattered stock.

While Best Buy was selling both Xbox consoles, it did not have both PS5 models. Although the standard $ 500 PS5 had quite a bit, the stock did not include a single all-digital PS5 unit, which is $ 100 cheaper as a result of saving on a disk drive.

That said, in 2020 it was impossible to get a PS5 – and to a lesser extent an Xbox Series X – due to the incredible demand, limited supply and money changers. These three factors are still at stake in 2021, but in addition there is the problem of withdrawal at the store. Many retailers are no longer shipping, which means that customers in certain areas – especially rural ones – are having a hard time getting a console. As expected, all of this is causing even more frustration.

In-store withdrawal fights


Xbox gamers know the store, fight the fight


Beyond the Frustrated


More cart issues


Very complicated


Tired of it


I got in with the search


Almost made it

