Bernie Sanders admits she’s having fun with glove memes

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders admitted on Sunday that he was “enjoying” his countless memes by sporting simple, hand-made gloves in his possession.

“We’re not just having fun, but what we’re doing here in Vermont is selling sweaters and T-shirts across the country,” Sanders told CNN’s Dana Bash in “State of the Union.”

“And with all the money we’re going to raise, which I expected to be a few million dollars, I go to programs like Meals on Wheels and Feed [for] low-income elderly. “

Sander’s campaign store has already launched a black collar with the viral snapshot – which promised to give 100% of profits to Meals on Wheels in Sanders’ home state.

The campaign website said the sweatshirt has already sold out “due to the high demand for this item”.

“It turns out it’s a good thing, not just fun,” said Sanders of becoming an internet sensation.
