Ben Affleck reveals he took on the role of Batman for his children

Ben Affleck reveals that he took on the role of Batman for his children: ‘I wanted to do something my son liked’

When Ben Affleck was announced as the new Batman in 2013, many were scratching their heads about why he took on that role, although he recently revealed why he did it: for his children.

The actor was in the midst of a career renaissance as an actor and filmmaker, winning the award for Best Film for Argo a year earlier.

During an in-depth conversation with The Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter podcast, Affleck revealed that he wanted something his children could enjoy.

For children: when Ben Affleck was announced as the new Batman in 2013, many were left with no idea why he would have taken on that role, although he recently revealed why he did it: for his children

For children: when Ben Affleck was announced as the new Batman in 2013, many were left with no idea why he would have taken on that role, although he recently revealed why he did it: for his children

‘I did Batman because I wanted to do it for my kids. I wanted to do something that my son would dig. I mean, my kids didn’t see Argo, ‘said Affleck.

‘Zack [Snyder] I wanted to do a version of the Frank Miller Dark Knight comic book series, which is a very good version of that, ‘continued Affleck.

Affleck donned the cape and hood for the first time in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016, where he faced Henry Cavill’s Superman, who was first seen in Man of Steel 2013, both directed by Zack Snyder.

To Samuel: 'I did Batman because I wanted to do it for my children.  I wanted to do something that my son would dig.  I mean, my kids didn't see Argo, 'said Affleck

To Samuel: ‘I did Batman because I wanted to do it for my children. I wanted to do something that my son would dig. I mean, my kids didn’t see Argo, ‘said Affleck

He also returned in a cameo as Batman in the 2016 Suicide Squad, which, like Batman v Superman, was fiercely criticized by critics, although both presented decent box office numbers.

This all culminated in the Justice League, which Snyder left during production due to a family tragedy, with Joss Whedon taking over.

The result – a mix of footage from Snyder and Whedon – was a commercial and critical failure, with the worst ratings and box office numbers at the DCEU.

Ben's Batman: he also returned in a cameo as Batman in the 2016 Suicide Squad, which, like Batman v Superman, was fiercely attacked by critics, although both presented decent box office numbers

Ben’s Batman: he also returned in a cameo as Batman in the 2016 Suicide Squad, which, like Batman v Superman, was fiercely attacked by critics, although both presented decent box office numbers

“Unfortunately, there are many reasons why things happen the way they do in the world of cinema, and just because your face is on the poster doesn’t mean you’re dictating all of those things – and even if you were, that they would do well,” said Affleck .

Still, the final reason for Affleck to take the role – for his children – ended up making the role worthwhile.

“I wore the suit at my son’s birthday party, which was worth every moment of suffering in the Justice League,” Affleck said frankly.

Birthday party: 'I wore the suit at my son's birthday party, which was worth every moment of suffering in the Justice League,' Affleck said frankly

Birthday party: “I wore the suit at my son’s birthday party, which was worth every moment of suffering in the Justice League,” said Affleck frankly

While Warner Bros. moves on with a new Batman, played by Robert Pattinson, Affleck will be back as The Dark Knight on at least two more projects.

He was confirmed to return as Bruce Wayne / Batman in The Flash, which was scheduled for release in November 2022.

He will also return in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which was reconfigured in a four-hour miniseries, premiering on HBO Max in March.

Return to Justice: He will also return in Zack Snyder's Justice League, which was reconfigured in a four-hour miniseries, premiering on HBO Max in March

Return to Justice: He will also return in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which was reconfigured in a four-hour miniseries, premiering on HBO Max in March
