Before Your Eyes is a life story that you control by blinking

Before your eyes is a new game that you control using just the blink and the eyes. Developer GoodbyeWorld Games announced the game on Thursday and released a first trailer that shows what it’s like to go through a blinking story.

The trailer begins by explaining the game’s premise. You are reliving the memories of someone’s life. The trailer includes flashes of memories like playing with toys as a child, a date and a funeral. All of his travels through these memories are guided and narrated by a character named Ferryman, who leads souls to the afterlife.

While you are in your own memories, you can look around looking at different areas of the screen, while your webcam tracks your eyes. Each time you blink, you move to a new memory and the old one disappears.

Before your eyes is scheduled to be released on April 8 and will be available on the Windows PC via Steam.
