Beau Willimon developing TV series adapted from Risk Game

Beau Willimon
Photo: Michael Loccisano / Getty Images

If you would like to relax after a long day of panic watching a complex tale of global politics, one that will no doubt remind you that we are just pieces in an endless game of human chess, then Beau Willimon has the show for you! According The Hollywood news reporter, a House of cards the creator is developing a television series based on the Hasbro board game Risk.

If you haven’t played since childhood, Risk, released in 1957, is a strategy game in which players control armies, conquer land masses, create alliances and eventually eliminate their opponents. So it makes sense that Willimon is the person to call. O Mary Queen of Scots The writer also signed an initial TV contract with eOne, which is owned by Hasbro, which also has several other gaming IPs. We’re not telling anyone what to do here, but pragmatically speaking, a Furby could easily be the villain in this series, and it would certainly make the material lighter.
