Beamer regroups after Auburn steals pieces from Gamecocks’ technical team | South Carolina

COLOMBIA – The jokes were almost as numerous as the questions.

“Auburn is considering the possibility of playing all of his home games at Williams-Brice Stadium next year.”

“Did you hear that Auburn is replacing ‘War Eagle’ with ‘Spurs Up?'”

“Darude is scheduled for a private concert in Auburn … every night for the next football season.” Darude wrote ‘Sandstorm’, a public favorite at South Carolina football games.

All were launched after the third trip of the USC bus in a week to leave Columbia and go to the plains. Offensive coordinator Mike Bobo and offensive line coach Will Friend fled last week, and defensive line coach Tracy Rocker, formerly of Auburn, picked up U-Haul on Wednesday.

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The reality of the matter was in the gray area between “Everything will be fine” and “The sky is falling, again!” The training carousel never stops spinning, and although it is certainly not a brilliant endorsement that three members of Shane Beamer’s team have left, each after agreeing on new contracts with the Gamecocks, there is the fact that two were remnants of the team from Will Muschamp and the other, Amigo, was hired on Bobo’s recommendation.

Leaving aside the coaches’ personal feelings, Auburn also hired two coaches who helped shape the USC’s 2-8 season last year, with a win over Auburn. If you can not beat them, join them?

“He informed me last Tuesday night that Auburn had contacted him and was interested in visiting,” said Beamer of Bobo’s decision. “I listened as the South Carolina football coach. In the end, he did what he thought was best for him and his family, and as the top South Carolina football coach, my job is to do what I feel it’s better for the University of South Carolina football program today and the future in the future, and that’s what I did. We wish you well and have nothing, but … we wish you well. “

Beamer publicly handled the bitter encounter with grace, as there is no point in throwing mud now. And the bright side of this is that departing coaches (or Auburn) owe $ 250,000 in acquisitions.

However, it is a leap in speed as Beamer is rediscovering what has been a standard in football. Correct one problem, proceed to the next and revisit the first because it broke again.

It is difficult to judge Beamer’s first team if it continues to lose parts, but the USC Board of Trustees is due to meet Friday morning to approve another set of contracts. These will definitely include the new offensive coordinator Marcus Satterfield, hired after Bobo’s separation; defensive coordinator Clayton White; defenders’ coach Torrian Gray; strength trainer Luke Day; and maybe a raise for Coach Des Kitchings.

Beamer still has hires to do. He needs an offensive line coach to replace Friend and a defensive line coach to replace Rocker, as well as deciding what to do with Gamecocks linebackers (Mike Peterson was kept as an external coach for LBs and he took over the entire position, or White training a position group next to his DC tag, are two possibilities).

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“Like all these guys, guys who want to be in this place, they believe in this university like me and understand what we can accomplish here in this football program,” said Beamer when presenting the last round of assistants, after Bobo and Amigo left, but before Rocker. “We are all on the same page from that point of view.”

He also responded to a tweet on Wednesday from tight end Jaheim Bell, who said, “You come in or out that simple.” Beamer quoted with the additional message: “What did he say.”

It will never be easy for Beamer at USC, but it is a much easier way to win when working with people who want to be there.

Follow David Cloninger on Twitter @DCPandC.
