Batwoman Season 2 Episode 1 Recap: Kate Kane MIA, Ryan’s [Spoiler]

Warning: this article contains spoilers for Bat WomanPremiere of the second season of. Read at your own risk!

Bat Woman played in its second season with a comprehensive mystery: What happened to Kate Kane? Sunday’s debut episode began with Kate’s plane to National City crashing near the river and newcomer Ryan Wilder (played by Javicia Leslie) discovering the swimsuit among the wreckage. Kate’s body has not been recovered, which gives hope to some – including Luke Fox and Kate’s father, Jacob Kane – that she may still be alive. However, others like his twin sister Alice have given up on the idea that the former watchman survived that collision and is still out there somewhere.

With Kate absent in action, Bat Woman showrunner Caroline Dries says the issues surrounding her disappearance are not going to stop anytime soon.

“It remains a continuous story,” she tells TVLine. “I appreciate people saying, ‘Please don’t drag me into this. We met Ruby [Rose, who exited the series in May] is no longer on the show. ‘My wish is for this to be incredibly satisfying, and it takes you on a roller coaster. All the characters are interested in meeting Kate and have their own point of view about what happened to her. The journey to the end result, I think, will be worth following. “

Batwoman, season 2, premiereKate’s absence means that Wilder introduces herself as the new Batwoman, and her rise to superhero status will come with its own complications. During the season 2 premiere, Tommy Elliot (who was wearing Bruce Wayne’s face) shot her with kryptonite, and remains of the crystalline material remained in the wound. Dries says things “will only get worse” for Ryan after she forgot to tell Bat Team the extent of her injury.

“It is a metaphor for many things, to be filmed with this kryptonite. Ryan has to be a hero and prove his worth while she is dealing with the big problem of having kryptonite in her blood and keeping it a secret from the whole world, ”explains Dries. “For me, as a writer, it’s a kind of metaphor for black women and women, in particular, [who] they need to go further to prove themselves and what they have to fight secretly just to be considered equal or accepted. “

The wound will be significant for Ryan, who will also deal with homelessness and unemployment, in addition to his new roles as Batwoman.

“If she admitted that something is affecting her [like the kryptonite], she feels that she would be seen as weak, and that is the only thing that she cannot afford to be seen as now. You will watch her battle throughout the season, and trusting Luke and Mary, whose main focus is on finding Kate, ”says Leslie. “Ryan knows this, and there is a constant comparison with [Kate]. After a while, Ryan said, ‘I’m here and you don’t even see me.’

According to Dries, Luke will be reluctant to accept Wilder as the new Batwoman, as that would mean accepting that Kate is dead. “He really struggles with that,” adds Dries. “Nothing against Ryan, he just doesn’t want to say goodbye to Kate. As Ryan and Luke’s dynamics start with some friction, she evolves into a real brother-sister dynamic. But in the end, Ryan has to put his foot down to say, ‘Look, I’m the one who uses the symbol. I’m the one who takes the bullets. I am the one who is literally putting himself in danger, so I am the leader here. I’m Batwoman. ‘They become respectful to her, but there is always that push and pull. Everyone has opinions in this cave. “

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