Batman’s secret villain was allegedly revealed

Robert Pattinson’s Dark Knight will not have an easy life on his debut, as Batman is set to take on the Caped Crusader against three of Gotham’s most notorious supervillains – Penguin (Colin Farrell), Riddler (Paul Dano) and Catwoman (Zoe Kravitz). Not to mention crime boss Carmine Falcone (John Turturro). Of course, director Matt Reeves wants to establish a world where many of the hero’s enemies already exist, then, and at least one more comic book villain other than the ones mentioned above could appear in the film as well.

The Giant Freakin Robot is reporting that Jervis Tetch, also known as the Mad Hatter, has a secret role in Batman. The agency source was unable to reveal the nature of his role in the film or how much time he will have on the screen, but we can apparently expect to see Hatter make his film debut. As GFR mentions in its article, this intelligence also corroborates what We Got This Covered reported in 2019.

Debuting in 1948, Mad Hatter was originally more of a nuisance than a threat, but he has become a darker and more unbalanced individual over time. In particular, he is known for his mind control devices that allow him to mentally enslave his victims. He has already been played by names like David Wayne (Batman ’66), Roddy McDowall (Batman: the animated series), Peter MacNicol (Arkham games) and Benedict Samuel (Gotham)

Tetch doesn’t have the level of pop culture recognition to be a major villain in a Batman movie, but DC fans would love it if the scary criminal even showed up for a cameo in Reeves’ movie. Other familiar faces, such as Scarecrow, Bane or Hush were also associated with the film at several points, but it is possible that plans have changed during the long period of extended production of COVID-19.

In any case, Batman is due to hit theaters in a year, on March 4, 2022, and it looks like you can expect a lot of villains to appear in the photo.

Source: Giant Freakin Robot
