‘Batman is alone to explore.’ DC Comics warns against using characters in NFTs

DC Comics, a Warner Bros. subsidiary, itself a unit of Time Warner, is unhappy with artists using their intellectual property (IP) in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and said it has its own character plans .

In a letter written by DC Comics, Jay Kogan, senior vice president of legal affairs sent to freelancers employed by the company on Thursday, emphasized that it is against the company’s policy to sell digital images featuring DC IP with or without NFTs.

Kogan said that DC Comics has its own plans to enter the NFT space and is currently exploring opportunities to enter the market.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are becoming the newest fan collectibles and have generated great repercussions in the digital space. DC is exploring opportunities to enter the market for the distribution and sale of original DC digital art with NFTs, including new art created specifically for the NFT market, as well as original digital art rendered for DC comic publications.

As DC examines the complexities of the NFT market and we work on a reasonable and fair solution for all parties involved, including fans and collectors, please note that the offer to sell any digital images with DC intellectual property with or without NFTs, is provided for DC publications or provided outside the scope of a contractual commitment to DC, is not permitted. If you are approached by someone interested in including any of your DC arts in an NFT program, inform Lawrence Ganem, DC’s vice president of Talent Services.

We hope that the participation of DC’s freelance talent will be an integral component of the NFT program that DC implements. We will share more information as it becomes available and we appreciate your cooperation and partnership.

Letter from DC Comics, Jay Kogan, senior vice president of legal affairs for the company’s freelancers.

Former DC Comics artist Jose Delgo, who is known for his sketches of Wonder Woman, earned $ 1.95 million from the sale of NFTs featuring the superhero and other licensed characters, reports Gizmodo.

Recently, NFTs have become a craze, with millions of dollars being spent on rare or desirable digital artworks. On Thursday, a piece of digital art or NFT by the cryptographer Beeple was sold for a record $ 69.3 million by auction house Christie’s.

The NFT industry had a market capitalization of $ 338 million at the end of 2020, according to nonfungible.com.
