Baldur’s Gate 3 developers celebrate with a song about brainworms

Mind Flayer spends time with Santa Claus in Larian's music video, Tadpole For You, Tadpole For Me.

Christmas music as a genre is full of earworms (I have the charming Slade stuck in my head now), but the creators of Baldur’s Gate 3 have taken it a step further with the Christmas worms. Larian Studios today gave Tadpole For You’s surprise Christmas present, Tadpole For Me – a festive song about being infested by Mind Flaying parasites. And yes, the developers sing themselves. After all, the Christmaaaaas of iiiiiiiiiiiiitt. Ah, damn it.

Baldur’s Gate 3 would be a very different game if our characters were so enthusiastic about their own mind-skinning tadpoles. It makes you wonder if they shouldn’t be following the flow. It looks like a lot of fun, really. What is the worst that could happen?

The fantasy RPG had early access this year, with the goal of perhaps being fully launched in 2021. Our early access review of Baldur’s Gate 3 liked it a lot, although Matthew Castle thinks he prefers to wait until it’s complete and ready. I’m holding on.

Disclosure: Our ex-Adam (RPS in peace) now works for Larian as a writer. If we create a song, maybe it will come back to us?

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