Avani Reyes says he “accidentally” applied Gorilla Glue to his hair

A TikToker landed at the hospital after joining the Gorilla Glue movement – saying it “accidentally” applied the tough patch to his hair.

“I do not know what to do. It was an accident. I didn’t want to put Gorilla Glue in my hair ”, laments Avani Reyes in one of the several clips posted on the website.

“I need to go to the hospital so that they can remove this gorilla glue. I have no idea what to do. I tried to wash it, it doesn’t come out ”, she says, adding that“ the scalp is burning ”.

But Reyes’ predicament, which follows that of “Gorilla Glue girl” Tessica Brown, has many people saying that her story looks a little hairy – and that TikToker is trying to mark its own 15 minutes of fame.

“I followed you, you looked like a great person. But you did it willingly after it happened to that lady. and you have the audacity to ask people, ”said one user.

“Are you just making fun of the other person who did this or did it really happen? Anyway, it’s wrong. you went to the hospital and wasted time there (sic) ”, said another.

And a third said simply, “I hope it never comes out.”

Reyes, who has more than 459,000 followers on the video sharing app, later followed, claiming that the hospital “did nothing”.

“I just left the hospital and they did nothing for me. Look at my hair, ”she says in the clip.

Tessica Brown TikTok Gorilla Glue
Reyes’ situation comes after Tessica Brown did the same with her own hair, but was rescued by free treatment by a plastic surgeon.

Reyes said she was advised to try olive oil, tea tree oil or coconut oil to remove goo – despite Brown’s unsuccessful attempts before Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Obeng had surgery for $ 12,500. for free to free your hair from glue.

“I used coconut oil for about half an hour and then washed my hair and it still has gorilla glue on my head. I think I need to go bald, ”adds the woman, who claims to have raised enough money to travel to Los Angeles and have surgery like Brown’s.

She even claimed that a generous benefactor donated $ 3,000 to her cause.

“You know it has definitely been a journey with this Gorilla glue. It has been crazy, thank you very much ”, she says.

Brown – who hired an agent in the middle of all the publicity – raised nearly $ 24,000 to pay his medical bills, but said he would donate most of it to charities.
