Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has a secret alien bow in a pile of stones

Here I thought Borderlands games were the only ones that would throw cool items at you when you came across clumps of earth and stone, but I found out that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla also has something to hide in its piles of stone. Over the weekend, Valhalla players managed to find a secret Isu bow by repeatedly hitting an unassuming pile of stones – however, this is definitely not the way you should find it.

In this video, YouTuber “JorRaptor” shows how everything works (thanks, Kotaku). First, you will need Eivor to travel far north to Eurvicscire and find the special rock pile near a lake.

These types of rock piles usually break when you hit them, dropping iron ore. The strange thing about this one, however, is that it doesn’t break. Keep hitting him, save and reload, then hit some more, and eventually the mythical bow, the Bow of Noden, will appear in your inventory.

It is a weapon made by Isu, an ancient civilization in the Assassin’s Creed tradition that predates humans. They were basically gods, and also kind of aliens, so that’s cool. The bow is all beautiful and shiny, here is a nice screenshot taken by the Reddit user “inxcognito”:

Unfortunately, finding this weapon hitting rocks seems to be a bug, rather than a feature.

“This is an intelligent brute force hack, not the ‘proper’ way to get this bow,” Valhalla’s narrative director Darby McDevitt tweeted. “There is a way ‘in the world’ to achieve it. But I suppose that works for an Any% Speedrun. “

He adds that the legitimate way to obtain reverence “involves some steps that I haven’t seen anyone try yet”, but he doesn’t say exactly what those steps are. It’s good to know that the game still has some unresolved mysteries a few months after launch, it makes me want to dive back and do detective work (although it also makes me want to grab the bow the way I want to break the stones before it is patched up )

Talking about ancient civilization, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla players have recently been able to translate the fictional Isu language as well. I wonder what other strange and wonderful secrets these alien gods have hidden.

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