Assassin’s Creed Valhalla fans furious at new discovery

Killer Creed Valhalla fans are furious about the current state of the game after a new discovery on the game’s Reddit page. As the Reddit post – which quickly shot to the top of the page – points out, there are currently nine different sets of armor in the game store, locked behind microtransactions, which means that there are almost as many armor sets blocked behind microtransactions as in the whole basic game. In a free-to-play game or even a multiplayer game with long tail, this is nothing out of the ordinary, but being the case for a premium single-player game is not so common and it is enough with angry fans.

Extending the problem, according to the Reddit post, is the fact that it all came before Ubisoft added any DLC or significant content to the game. Now, Valhalla going to get DLC just like Origins and Odyssey – the most recent previous entries in the series – yes. And both Origins and Odyssey had similar microtransactions, but it looks and sounds like Valhalla is a little more notorious in that regard.

Unfortunately for Ubisoft, the Reddit post didn’t just skyrocket to the top of the game’s Reddit page. It was also shared on other larger Reddit pages and is now being publicized by the media. Despite this, Ubisoft has not yet responded to comments. And at this point, it doesn’t look like it will. However, if that happens, we will be sure to update this story with everything that is provided, outstanding or not.

This is not the first time Assassin’s Creed has been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons, but from the moment of revelation until now, it has been very good for Valhalla.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is available through PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC. For more coverage of the game and all things related to games – including all other recent controversies in the industry – click here or check out the relevant links below:
