Assassin’s Creed fans discover the surprising official method of unlocking that hidden weapon •

This week, Assassin’s Creed fans have found a mythical arc that has been hidden in Valhalla since the game’s release.

Ubisoft congratulated players for finally discovering the powerful Isu weapon – but it also provoked that there was an adequate and flawless method for obtaining the item as well.

All of this relates brilliantly to the genuinely surprising work being done by members of the Access Animus fan community, which has meticulously translated Isu de Valhalla’s secret runes for the past few months.

This group’s efforts culminated in an attempt to break the Isu language inscribed on Valhalla’s collector’s edit box – but with only partial success. However, this week’s discovery of the arc and a little more encouragement from the Ubisoft developers behind the secret has now spurred Access the Animus to the finish line.

The video below goes through the totally fun process carried out to find out where, when, how and why to unlock the bow properly – and it’s fascinating to see the amount of time and ingenuity invested in the tracks on behalf of Ubisoft.

The developer not only created an entire language for this puzzle, but also covered the collector’s edit box with tips that players have just started to understand now.

Isu’s runes in the collector’s edit box say “the sword is the key”, while an image of the very specific (and spoil) sword in question is hidden from view. A set of numerical coordinates is also included, while art lithographs with runes spelling “Now” when placed together in a certain way also show the icon of a sun that you hide.

The numerical coordinates are the only part of the puzzle that has not yet been fully decoded, although the discovery of the flaw this week meant that that part could be ignored – everyone knows where the Isu arc is. Still, fans have now realized that the island in the lake where the bow is hidden is, when viewed on the game map, a reference to the location of Ubisoft Singapore’s headquarters within Singapore itself – as the lake is shaped. (Ubisoft Singapore created the game region where the bow is hidden and developed its Isu language.)

From all of this, Access, the Animus, designed the necessary weapon to break the stones that held the bow, at the specific location and at a specific time of the day. Let’s let the video itself provide the spoiler solution.

In other news from Assassin’s Creed Valhalla this afternoon, players are purposely dying to help other fans achieve a buggy achievement.
