Ashley Biden on the lack of traditional delivery at the White House on inauguration day: ‘I think we’re all fine with this’

In an interview that aired on Tuesday, Ashley Biden said that her mother, First Lady Jill Biden, did not hear from First Lady Melania Trump about any kind of traditional transfer at the White House, as is customary on Easter Day. possession.

“I don’t think they’re following the traditional protocol, which is unfortunate, but I think we’re all fine with that,” said Ashley Biden.

Ashley Biden, a private person who has no public account on social media, said she will not have a job in her father’s administration, unlike Ivanka Trump, the daughter of President Donald Trump.

But she will use her platform “to defend social justice, mental health, to get involved in the development and revitalization of the community,” she said.

Ashley Biden reflected on the attacks that were made on her family during the presidential campaign and said, “Cruelty and malice, that’s why I’m not, I don’t have a public social media account.”

“Part of that is also having limits for me, because I believe in kindness. I believe in the humanity of us all,” she continued.

Ashley Biden is the only daughter of Joe and Jill Biden. The president-elect had two sons, Beau and Hunter, and a daughter, Naomi, with his first wife, Neilia. Neilia and Naomi, who was a child at the time, died in a car accident in 1972.

Ashley talked about her close bond with Beau, who died of brain cancer in 2015, and said that when her father takes the oath of office on Wednesday, she knows that Beau “will be there with us”.

“He was 46 when he passed. Dad will be the 46th president,” she said.

She remembered a heartfelt moment that she and her father shared when she said they felt Beau’s presence with them in South Carolina. A small community church they entered was playing the song “On Eagle’s Wings” that, she said. , remembers Beau’s father.

“Dad and I looked at each other, started to cry, hugged and thought, this is Beau,” she said.

Ashley Biden said that family is the most important thing to her father, and said, “We have a rule, even today, that no matter where Dad is, no matter what meeting he is in, if one of the kids calls, you have to take it out. ”

She talked about how her mother, Jill Biden, keeps her father down to earth and “always” reminds him to take out the trash and put away his cereal bowl. She described her mother as “fierce” and “extremely loyal”.

Ashley Biden described the uprising at the United States Capitol on January 6 by a crowd of Trump supporters, who left five people dead, as “truly horrible” and said she was “deeply saddened”.

“This was a place that I grew up attending as a child, like you too, and a place where Dad worked for more than 30 years. A sacred place, really, ”she said.

She worries about her family’s safety, she said, but is reassured by the United States Secret Service.

When the presidential race for Biden was called, days after election day, a record number of ballots in the mail was counted amid the coronavirus pandemic, Ashley Biden said she was taking a nap upstairs, but came running down when heard the celebrations.

“After the hustle and bustle, I sat next to Dad while he was on the phone and just held his hand,” said Ashley Biden.

She praised her father and said she disagreed with his characterizations as a “gaffe machine”.

“I thought the media always got it wrong when they described him as a gaffe machine, or that he wasn’t, you know, so smart. I mean, the man is brilliant.”
