As of April 4, More options for restaurants and other businesses, increase in maximum mass collection values

As COVID-19 cases have declined and vaccination rates are rising, Governor Tom Wolf announced today the lifting of some restrictions directed at restaurants and other companies, as well as increasing collection limits.

As of April 4, restaurants can resume bar service; the service of alcoholic beverages will be allowed without the purchase of food; the curfew to remove alcoholic beverages from the tables will be lifted; and indoor dining capacity will be increased to 75 percent for restaurants that are currently self-certified and those that go through the self-certification process, which involves agreeing to strictly comply with all public health safety guidelines and orders, including cleaning protocols and mitigation and other operational requirements contained in the Governor and Secretary of Health’s mitigation and enforcement orders issued on November 23, 2020, as amended. Restaurants that do not self-certify can increase capacity to 50%. Outdoor dining, pick-up and delivery on the sidewalk are still encouraged.

Requirements such as wearing a mask and social distance, including 1.8 m between customers, also apply.

Capacity for other businesses will also be increased from April 4, including the move from personal service facilities, gyms and entertainment facilities (casinos, theaters, shopping malls) to 75% occupancy.

The governor also announced revised maximum occupancy limits for indoor events to allow 25% of maximum occupancy, regardless of the size of the venue, and maximum occupancy limits for outdoor events to allow 50% of maximum occupancy, regardless of the size of the venue. place. Maximum occupancy is permitted only if participants and workers are able to meet the 6-foot physical distance requirement.

“The inhabitants of Pennsylvania went to great lengths and did their part to help stem the spread of COVID-19,” said Governor Wolf. “Our case count continues to decline, hospitalizations are decreasing and the percentage positive rate is decreasing every week – all very positive signs. The number of people vaccinated is increasing every day and we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. It is time to allow our restaurants, bars and other service companies to return to normal operations. “

Although lifting these restrictions is good news, Governor Wolf warned that wearing masks, social detachment and commercial adherence to all security orders are still imperative.

“We have come this far and now is not the time to stop the security measures we have in place to protect ourselves, our families and our communities,” said Governor Wolf. “Keep wearing a mask, social detachment, and please get vaccinated when it’s your turn.”

Find more information about the restaurant self-certification process here.
