Arian Foster talks about the situation of Texans

Houston Texans vs Jacksonville Jaguars

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Andre Johnson, arguably the greatest offensive player in Texas history, spoke on Tuesday about quarterback Deshaun Watson’s discontent with the team. Arian Foster, the greatest running back in Texas history, made an assessment of Johnson’s observations.

Here’s what Johnson said: “If I am @deshaunwatson I’ll stay firm. The Texans organization is known for wasting players’ careers. Since Jack Easterby entered the building, nothing good has happened in / for the organization and, for some reason, it seems that someone cannot see what is happening. Pathetic!!!”

Foster noted: “I don’t follow much in the league, so idk who [Easterby] It’s. but I know my brother. and for him to take it out of his pocket means that there must be fucking I laughed a lot. dre is the most calm cat on the planet. “

Johnson follows the Texans and knows that the team’s current dysfunction goes back to the fact that owner Cal McNair has hired someone who is demonstrably inadequate to run his football operation. Should it surprise anyone, then, when someone who is proven to be inadequate occupies a position of significant power and influence, bad things will inevitably happen?
