Are eggs good or bad for you? The truth may be somewhere between

Unfortunately, science is also unable to decide on a definitive answer to this.

Now, a new study of more than 500,000 people has found that eating even a portion of a whole egg – with its yellow yolk loaded with cholesterol – increases the risk of death from all causes, including cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The experts were skeptical.

“Despite many years of research, this question about eggs and health has not been answered, with several observational studies in the past few decades showing conflicting results – some suggesting that moderate egg intake is good, while others suggest it may be bad,” he said. Riyaz Patel, consultant cardiologist at University College London.

“This study, while well conducted, unfortunately just adds more noise to the discussion,” said Patel in a statement.

Three or more eggs a week increases the risk of heart disease and early death, says study
The study results are problematic because they asked people just once about egg consumption and followed them for many years without checking whether their diet had changed, said Dr. Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard TH Chan School of Public health.

“They are just taking a snapshot over time,” said Willett, who is also a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

“The conclusions of this study are exaggerated,” said Ada Garcia, a senior professor of public health nutrition at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, in a statement. “Blaming eggs alone for the increased risk of cardiovascular disease is a simplistic and reductionist approach to the concept of diet and disease prevention.”

What do eggs replace?

The poultry industry has long praised the “incredible edible egg”. For just 75 calories, they say, an egg provides 7 grams of high-quality protein, 5 grams of fat and 1.6 grams of saturated fat, along with iron, vitamins, minerals and nutrients that fight diseases like lutein and zeaxanthin.

A large egg can have about 185 milligrams of cholesterol.

Eggs are affordable, making them an inexpensive source of nutritional food for families with limited food budgets. Many people on popular low-carb diets, such as keto, also rely heavily on eggs in their eating plans.

The problem, of course, is the cholesterol level in the yellow yolk of eggs: a large yolk can provide about 185 milligrams of cholesterol.

Cholesterol is not a bogeyman. Produced by the liver, cholesterol is in every cell in the body and is used to produce hormones, vitamin D, digestive compounds and more. Sometimes, a person’s body can produce excess cholesterol, leading to the buildup of waxy plaque in blood vessels and subsequently to cardiovascular disease.

Cholesterol plays a role in our diet, but it is more complicated than we thought, said Willett, who has spent more than 40 years studying the effects of diet on major illnesses.

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Nutritional guidelines used to recommend an upper limit of 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day. Today, the guidelines suggest eating as little as possible, keeping saturated fats at less than 10% of daily calories.

The key, Willett said, is to look at the overall nutritional pros and cons of the food, as well as what the food is replacing in the diet.

Take fish, for example. Fish contain cholesterol, but they also provide omega-3 fatty acids essential for optimal health.

And the saturated fats in butter, whole milk and fatty cuts of meat have a much deeper impact on raising blood levels of LDL (low-density lipoproteins) than sources of dietary cholesterol, such as eggs.

“If someone substitutes eggs for donuts, other refined starches and sugar or saturated fats, I prefer that they eat eggs,” said Willett.

“But for someone who really wants to be in great health, placing an emphasis on protein sources of plant origin, such as oats and nuts cut into steel, would be the best way forward.”

However, certain populations may want to watch their egg intake.

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“Someone who is having a hard time using drugs for their blood cholesterol levels would probably be better off keeping the eggs low,” said Willett. “Eggs don’t need to be completely eliminated, but I think the old recommendation of no more than two eggs a week for most people is still a good one.”

People with type 2 diabetes should also be cautious. The Harvard 2020 study found that increased egg intake by people with type 2 diabetes was associated with increased cardiovascular risk, a link that has been duplicated in previous studies.

What about egg white?

Can yolks be safely replaced with egg whites? The new PLOS study found that replacing half a full egg with an equivalent amount of egg whites or egg substitutes reduced death from cardiovascular disease by 3%.

“In my opinion, the recommendation made by the authors to replace whole eggs with egg whites / egg substitutes is not supported by all the available evidence,” said Patel of UCL.

“Most studies have not looked at eggs without yolk,” said Willett, “mainly because egg white consumption is very low in the general population. The lowest risk is to replace eggs with nuts and plant sources of protein.”

Patel added: “I don’t think this study changes the general advice that, for most people, eggs can be eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet, unless they have been advised not to do so for a medical reason. or specific food. “
