Arcade1Up launches new X-Men, Dragon’s Lair, Killer Instinct Cabinets

Arcade1Up launches new X-Men, Dragon’s Lair, Killer Instinct Cabinets

CES 2021 is here, and Arcade1Up has unveiled several cabinets for its ongoing collection. Via GameSpot, one of the most anticipated titles is based on the Konami game X-Men arcade game. The original game was released in 1992 and was also based on “Pryde of the X-Men”, the pilot episode that ended up leading to X-Men: the animated series. In addition, the new cabinet will include two other Marvel arcade titles: Captain America and the Avengers and The Avengers in the Galactic Storm.

Killer InstinctThe Arcade1Up cabinet has both Killer Instinct and Killer Instinct 2. It also includes the Battletoads arcade game, and Battletoads / Double Dragon. Don Bluth’s legendary animated arcade games are starting Dragon’s lair, Dragon’s Lair II: Time Warpand Space Ace in a single cabinet.

Arcade1Up is also launching a new line of arcade cabinets that includes 12 games each. Capcom Legacy Edition features 1944, Command, Darkstalkers, Final fight, Ghosts n Goblinsand Strider. It also includes Street Fighter, Street Fighter II: World Warrior, Street Fighter II: Champion Edition, Street Fighter II: Turbo, Super Street Fighter II: the new challengersand Super Street Fighter II: Turbo.

The Bandai Namco Legacy Edition office is celebrating the original Pac Man. It also features Pac & Pal, Pac-Land, Pac-Man Plus, Pac-Maniaand Super Pac-Man. Do not stopPac Man fans, there are also Dig Dug, Dig Dug II, Galaga, Galaxian, Mappyand Jumpsuit.

In addition, the Atari Legacy Edition case features Storm and his arcade art. Other titles also include Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, Centipede, Major Havoc, Millipedeand Missile Command. Lesser known games are also featured, including Akka Arrh, Crystal Castles, Gravitate, Liberatorand Space Duel.

Finally, Arcade1Up is launching a Pong bar table for four players. The full schedule includes Circus Atari, Pong, Pong Doubles, Pong Sports, Quadrapong, Storm, Warlordsand Super Breakout.

What do you think of Arcade1Up’s 2021 schedule? Let us know in the comments section below!

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