Aquarius Season 2021 – How each zodiac sign will be affected

With the Aquarius season coming in from January 19th to February 18th, our resident astrologer Lisa Stardust offers a horoscope for each sign of the zodiac.

Welcome to the Aquarius season! This year, there will be some big The energy of Aquarius in the cosmos: the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn will all be in Aquarius. This pile of planets will certainly lead us to change our minds and to understand different perspectives.

Go ahead, read your horoscope and how the Aquarius season will affect your zodiac sign. But first, a list of all the major planetary transits that we can expect in the next month:

  • The Sun enters Aquarius on January 19, starting a month-long journey around humanitarian innovation.
  • The Moon will be in the anaretic degree – the later degree of a sign – of 29 Aries degrees on January 20th. Translation? Expect some combative energy around Inauguration Day, which will be a day of mixed energies. Get ready for protests and turmoil, as well as a day of happiness when welcoming the new president and vice president.
  • The elusive Neptune, who is in Pisces, will face the Nodes of Destiny over who is moving backwards on the Gemini-Sagittarius lunar axis, January 26. This means that there will be confusion and ambiguity, so it is important to remain calm on this day. Anxieties can also form; relax by meditating with an amethyst and selenite crystal.
  • The first full moon of 2021 occurs in Leo on 28 January. This is a time to bring the energy that we love and are passionate about. Anything less than stellar and magical will fall by the wayside.
  • January 28 also brings the conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius. Known as the “Day of Miracles”, it is the luckiest day of 2021. You may want to buy some lottery tickets now and take a chance.
  • Mercury’s first retrograde of 2021 starts on January 30 and runs through February 21 in Aquarius, giving all of us a chance to reevaluate, review, rethink and regroup our plans.
  • The tender Venus enters the airy Aquarium on February 1, offering a new perspective on love and money.
  • The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th will allow us to think and discuss how we can act as a collective to help a better society.
  • Valentine’s Day will be sensual and passionate, especially since the Moon will be in red-hot Aries. Prepare to be courted and chased.
  • Authoritarian Saturn, who is in Aquarius, shares a strong connection with rebel Uranus, who is in Taurus on February 17. This is the first of the three times that these two planets will face each other in 2021. The other two times are June 15th and December 24th. It will be a time of much-needed radical change, for which most of us may not be prepared.


    You’re figuring out who your casual acquaintance is and who’s hitchhiking or dying over the course of this month, which may mean cutting off some peeps that don’t do the same. Letting go of those you care about is difficult. However, this is not a permanent separation. Mercury’s moonwalk is simply pressing the pause button with the people in your life who are not embracing positivity like you. Everyone will be forgiven by you on February 17th, but remember: you are who you love, not the one who loves you back. You now have the chance to decide who is worth your time, energy, kindness and fabulousness.


    The scope of your career is changing at an exponential rate. You are looking forward to more complaints and acclaim for your efforts on February 1, when Venus enters Aquarius. Talk and ask for a raise then. Even if Mercury is backward, it is a wonderful time for you to renegotiate an existing contract with your boss and intensify your professional game. You will be satisfied with the results and will be able to embrace a new title or income range during New Moon on February 11th. This is your “skinny” month. This month, among all the months, don’t hesitate to change careers.


    Curious by nature, this month will make you question and challenge society’s norms. The great energy of Aquarius that is forming will take you to see things from a different perspective. In fact, you may even get a little fanatical during Neptune’s cosmic dance with the Nodes of Destiny on January 26th, so be careful what tone you debate the last episode of The bachelor. The caveat is that you can discard your opinions after the end of Mercury’s backstroke, even if you promise yourself that you are fully embracing a new vibration during New Moon on February 11th.


    Intimacy is difficult for some, but not for you. This month, you’ll have a chance to meet everyone in your life on a deeper level – especially during New Moon on February 11th. Do you think it’s too much? A friend from the past will make an unexpected reappearance in your life on February 17, which happens during Mercury’s backward rotation. It is up to you to decide how you want to proceed with your friend. Words of advice: Don’t use your heart on your sleeve until you feel secure in the relationship. Find your foot first.


    Now that the fist season is in full swing, it’s time for you to make important choices about partnerships and friendships. Putting your needs first during the Full Moon on January 28th will ensure that you are treating yourself with care. However, Mercury’s celestial moonwalk, which begins on January 30, and New Moon on February 11, will contradict your feelings, forcing you to give much of your energy and time to others. If you continue on the course, news of an exciting new professional opportunity will reach you on February 17th. Don’t be distracted by the romance. You!


    Nobody knows better than you that the rush makes waste. As always, your iCal is full of messages and meetings. It is important to put all mundane activities on a back burner and pamper yourself with a little R&R – something that will be especially important when Neptune and the Nodes of Destiny clash on January 26. Get some rest at the beginning of the month, during the Full Moon of January 28th: ​​Relax by dipping in a hot bath, lighting candles and listening to Sade. Be ready to step up your game again during New Moon on February 11th.


    Aquarius Season will prove to be super fortuitous and successful for you. Mercury’s moonwalk and the Full Moon on January 28 will intensify your passions and bring you face to face with your dreams. All of your visions will be reachable during New Moon on February 11; you could even formulate a plan to make money around those creative desires when Saturn and Uranus clashed on February 17th. If you’re procrastinating on a project, this month is the time to get the ball rolling. Slowly but surely, things will start to happen: you are on the right path to success.


    Big changes are coming your way, which is why having a solid foundation is important. The Full Moon on January 28, New Moon on February 11 and Mercury’s retreat will make you feel like you’re being pulled in many different directions. While it may be difficult to keep your head above water when Saturn and Uranus clash on February 17, you can find your balance by trusting your instincts and embracing your feelings. Don’t be too afraid or proud to cry. We all need one from time to time to release frustrations and repressed energies.


    While you will normally have no problem getting out of your comfort zone and embracing new philosophies, you are holding fast to your own perspectives and narratives. The problem with doing this is that it creates tensions and disagreements with your friends. You do not need to argue with others to prove your points. As long as you know you’re 100% correct, that’s all that matters. Living by those words on January 26 (when Neptune squares the Nodes of Destiny) will help you pass the Full Moon on January 26 and the New Moon on February 11.


    With your confidence high, there is literally nothing you can’t achieve. Now, only if we could say the same about your finances. It’s time to control your spending. With a little bit of subtlety on your part during Mercury’s retrograde, you will save money during the Full Moon on January 28 and begin to see progress on the New Moon on February 11. The same can be said about your confidence, which will reach the peak of grandeur on February 17th. Fortunately, this month will bring some genuinely good vibes – if you focus on boosting your self-esteem and bank account.


    Happy solar return, Aquarius! Now that it’s your birthday month, it’s time for you to become a little more selfish. Accepting this feeling will be more difficult than you think during Mercury’s retrograde – which aligns with your Sun – because you are a natural giver. However, the Full Moon on January 28 will open your eyes to the fact that you need to regain your power from those who don’t deserve you. When New Moon arrives on February 11th, you will be feeling well. And on February 17th, you will be a whole new person.


    You are especially good at living in your own bubble. All those years swimming in your imaginary world will be worthwhile, because Aquarius stellium – a cluster of planets in the same sign – will force you to ignite your romantic feelings. The only element that prevents your cold month will occur when Neptune, who aligns with your Sun, falls into the Nodes of Destiny on January 26, awakening you from your beautiful reverie and pushing you to assume a more responsible role at work.

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