April’s giraffe, which became a worldwide sensation for giving birth in 2017, died

The beloved animal was euthanized on the recommendation of its veterinarians due to worsening arthritis at Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, New York, announced in a Facebook post on Friday.

“We suffer from its many fans, both near and far, when we say goodbye to the giraffe, which can be considered a basis for conservation awareness of giraffes and giraffes in the 21st century,” says the post. “Although her footprints in the yard will wear out over time, the mark she left on the hearts of people around the world will never disappear.”

The animal park has been the home of April for almost six years. She gave birth to five calves, including Tajiri, the boy who made her famous. He was also the first calf to be born in the animal park, with 1.25 million people watching the live broadcast of his birth.
April, the giraffe.

April veterinarians noticed that the giraffe showed notable signs of osteoarthritis in the summer of 2020. Despite his extensive efforts – which included joint supplements, pain medications, dietary changes, pruning hooves and padded floors in his barn – she continued to lose mobility.

“For her keepers and our team here in the park, she is a precious member of our family and, even though we knew that day would come, our hearts are aching,” said Jordan Patch, owner of Animal Adventure Park, in a statement. “The impact of April on the conservation and valuation of animals is immeasurable and long-lasting.”

His body was escorted to the Cornell University Veterinary School for an autopsy, the park said. After cremation, April’s ashes will be returned to Animal Adventure Park.

April’s popularity helped raise awareness of the rapidly declining giraffe population, which has fallen by 40% over the past 30 years, according to the park.
April and her children came when the number of giraffes decreased to less than 100,000, from more than 150,000, in three decades, says the foundation, according to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation.
