Apple’s Spring 2021 Event: From iPads to AirPods, Here’s What We Expect

Among other things, 2020 was the year of Apple’s virtual event. With the coronavirus pandemic forcing the launch of online products, traditional marathons on the stage ended, replaced by a constant stream of press releases and product-specific videos. And it looks like the trend is likely to continue this year.

There are rumors that Apple is planning a spring event in March, and there were plenty of leaks suggesting what new products might be available. From new iPads to AirPod updates to a series of new Macs, spring can be a fruitful season for Apple fans. (Check out our Apple business page for the best deals on the latest kit).

iPad Pro 2021

A recent rendering of the alleged iPad Pro 2021 (Image credit: Pigtou)

Spring events are not included in Apple’s calendar, but the company occasionally chooses to reveal new products in March. In 2019, it launched Apple TV + and Apple Arcade, while in 2016 it announced the first iPhone SE in the same month. Last October, Apple leaker Jon Prosser stated (below) that this year’s spring event will take place on March 16. (You see, he also stated that the main attraction would be Apple’s AirPods – which, er, came out in December.)
