Apple can go to old school with iPhone 12S

even though The iPhone 12 series comes with the most significant design change in three years, but still maintains the quality of the iPhone X. In the meantime, most Android vendors have switched to pinhole screens, and some have even launched phones with all screens pop-up and cameras on display. Apparently, the next iPhone, which a report suggests will be called The iPhone 12S will also eliminate the notch.

According to informant Mauri QHD, one of the current prototypes has no notch, which is not necessarily good news, as they add that the unit has slightly larger bezels than the iPhone 12.

Does this mean that the iPhone 12S will have a sturdy top bezel instead of a notch? This seems unlikely, as several reliable sources claim that the next generation would not be a major deviation in terms of design. According to these reports, 2021 iPhones will have slightly smaller notches than current phones. The notch is being reduced in height, not in width. The new devices are also expected to be a thicker hair, probably to make room for bigger batteries.
The iPhone 12S (13) is not expected until September, so Apple may not have blocked the design yet. Still, it is unlikely that the new phones will have a bezel design again. The iPhone 8 of 2017 was the last flagship phone from Apple with this design. The 2020 iPhone SE doesn’t exactly have a modern aesthetic, but it is an economical phone.

Could the iPhone 12S prototype be pointing to something else?

It may be that the said prototype has a camera under the display. The patents filed by Apple suggest that the company wants to place sensors under the screen to eliminate the notch. Tipster Ice Universe has already said that the iPhone notch could “disappear without a trace” in 2021.
Most reports also suggest that the next iPhones will feature below the Touch ID display. Face ID is not going anywhere, as it is also considered useful for augmented reality and photography.
