Apple allegedly planning to redesign the iMac finally

Last year's 27-inch iMac is the end of the line for this design.

Last year’s 27-inch iMac is the end of the line for this design.
Photograph: Caitlin McGarry / Gizmodo

Apple’s rumor is for sure shaking fast and furious today.

As expected, Iit seems that the 27 inch IMac Apple launched last summer will be the last of Intel’s iMacs. It will also be the last to feature the iMac’s unique design, with thick black bezels around the screen and the giant aluminum chin stamped with the Apple logo, and the last with a curved back. The iMac is finally being restarted, baby.

According Bloomberg, Apple will replace its Intel iMac line with redesigned versions of 21.5 and 27 inches with Apple Silicon later this year. This is the first revision of the iMac in nine years, which is frankly wild. Last year’s iMac was very good, especially if you chose to the nano-textured glass screen, but it’s definitely looking dated, and the processing power we’ve seen from Apple’s ARM-based M1 chip on the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air is probably just a taste of what’s to come in the new iMac. Bloomberg says new iMacs will be more similar to Apple’s Monitor Pro Display XDR (which is beautiful, but also $ 5,000).

Those of you who want a complete overhaul However, iPhones or MacBooks will be disappointed. According to Bloomberg sources, the iMac is the only product receiving a major overhaul.

For professionals who need their machines even more than an iMac can offer, Apple is also developing two new Mac Pros. (The Pro is Apple’s most expensive desktop.) The version that is likely to stand out is a redesigned Pro that might look like the Power Mac G4 Cube, according to Bloomberg, and will be powered by Apple Silicon. The second will be similar to the Mac Pro launched in 2019 with Intel processors. Honestly, a G4 Cube look would be much appreciated after two very weird-looking Mac Pros: the aesthetics of the 2019 cheese grater, which followed the Trashcan Pro 2013.

If you don’t want to shell out $ 5,000 for the Pro Display XDR to go with your Mac Pro (or Mac Mini), but also want a monitor designed by Apple, the company is also working on a cheaper version. Obviously, it won’t have the professional-level appearance of Pro Display, but most people don’t need something so sophisticated in everyday use. We would like to receive an Apple monitor for ordinary people after the $ 1,000 Thunderbolt monitor was eliminated five years ago.

Now we just have to wait and see if these developments will materialize – but the odds look very good.
