AOC faces reaction from Republican MP Nancy Mace, others because of Capitol claims

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AOC faces reaction from Republican MP Nancy Mace, others because of Capitol claims
Federal Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., faced criticism on Wednesday over the initial allegations she made about the January 6 Capitol riot, with many noting that she was not even on Capitol Hill when it happened.

The controversy arose after Ocasio-Cortez posted a video in which she described a confrontation with the Capitol Police in her office, which is not located on the Capitol itself, but in the Cannon Building, elsewhere in the Capitol complex.

On Wednesday, she faced a wave of reaction from critics like Rep. Nancy Mace, RS.C., who tweeted that insurrectionists never invaded the corridor she shares with Ocasio-Cortez.

The hashtag #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett was also a trend, an apparent comparison with actor Jussie Smollett, who falsely claimed to have been the victim of a hate crime. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ABOUT OUR MAIN HISTORY.

In other developments:
– Nikki Haley hits AOC for “dangerous” appeal to control the media, says it’s a “direct hit” against non-liberal media
– AOC questions whether Capitol Police officer tried to put her in a ‘vulnerable situation’
– AOC’s Ted Cruz tweet generates growing resistance from House Republicans
– Congressman Burgess Owens tears up AOC for invoking the ‘white supremacy’ label to emphasize health care

Cheney survives the attempt to remove her from the leadership role at Casa GOP
In trouble US lawmaker Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., Did not apologize for her vote three weeks ago for the impeachment of then President Trump – and in the end, she didn’t have to.

The president of the Republican House Conference on Wednesday night easily survived a push by supporters of the GOP Trump party to remove her from the party’s No. 3 leadership position.

In a secret ballot for the entire House Republican Conference, only 61 members voted against Cheney, with 145 supporting it. Republican Party leader Kevin McCarthy was among those urging other Republicans to keep Cheney in his role.

According to several sources, McCarthy asked party members to leave Cheney’s impeachment vote and remain united to retake the House majority in the 2022 midterm elections. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

In other developments:
– Representative Jim Jordan talks about the controversies of Liz Cheney and Marjorie Taylor Greene
– Rep. Omar raising funds from the Republican Party’s effort to remove it from the committee’s duties
– Sen. Rick Scott: Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘clearly does not represent the Republican Party’
– House takes a step to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from the committees
– Hannity: ‘Not a single conservative I know’ shares Dep. Greene’s ‘conspiratorial beliefs’
– Romney says GOP should distance itself from ‘crazy weeds’ like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Parler CEO John Matze said he was fired: ‘I didn’t participate in this decision’
Parler – the social media platform that is popular with many conservatives – fired CEO John Matze, according to a memo that Matze sent to employees that was obtained by Fox News.

“On January 29, 2021, the Parler board controlled by Rebekah Mercer decided to immediately terminate my position as CEO of Parler. I did not participate in that decision,” wrote Matze. “I understand that those who now control the company have made some communications to employees and third parties that, unfortunately, have created confusion and led me to make this public statement.”

Matze wrote that in recent months he encountered “constant resistance” to his original vision for the platform after Amazon Web Services’ decision to shut down Parler for not moderating “blatant content” related to the January 6 Capitol riot.

“In the past few months, I have encountered constant resistance to my product view, my strong belief in freedom of expression and my view of how the Parler site should be managed. For example, I have advocated more product stability and what I believe is a more effective for moderating content, “wrote Matze.

Parler did not immediately respond to a request for comment. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

In other developments:
– Parler’s CEO was prevented from entering the platform’s backend amid Big Tech’s crackdown: ‘We no longer have access’
– Parler CEO John Matze, family forced into hiding because of death threats, security breaches: lawsuit


– Psaki argues that Biden’s ‘vast majority’ are ‘decent’ comments about FBI agents
– The mayor of Olympia calls the hotel’s forced occupation ‘domestic terrorism’
– Tucker Carlson: The powerful are abusing history to get what they want – and Americans will bear the consequences
– The man who wore horns on the Capitol lost 20 pounds in custody: lawyer
– Wisconsin high school apologizes for the activity by asking students how they would punish a slave
– The Super Bowl ad shows John Travolta showing off his ‘Grease’ dance moves alongside daughter Ella

– Founder of the hedge fund pleads guilty in case linked to Neiman Marcus
– PayPal’s profit exceeds estimates amid record online spending
– Dems presents plan to eliminate $ 50,000 of student debt
– John Matze is out of Parler: ‘I did not participate in this decision’
– Kroger closes 2 stores in Southern California instead of giving $ 4 extra ‘Hero Pay’
– Virgin Hyperloop reveals what a 45-minute trip from Los Angeles to SF looks like

#The Flashback: CLICK HERE to find out what happened in “This day in history”.


Conservative author and commentator Mark Steyn warned against open actions to censor the conservative speech when it appeared on Wednesday night on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight”.

“The general climate of free speech in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia – almost everywhere in the western world – is worse than it was a decade ago,” said Steyn.

“And between this evil alliance – in fact, a merger between Big Tech and the state – we are entering a literally Orwellian world, where Orwell’s ‘1984’ phrases … [Orwell] uses the phrase ‘reality check’ … The New York Times favors the establishment of a federal agency under the control of a so-called reality czar. ”

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Fox News First was compiled by Jack Durschlag of Fox News. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! We’ll see you in your inbox in the first hour on Friday.
