Announcer addresses racial slur against women’s basketball team for kneeling during national anthem

Moments before the start of a high school women’s basketball game between Norman High School and Midwest City at the Oklahoma 6A State Basketball Tournament on Thursday night, a broadcaster used a racial slur when commenting on Norman players kneeling during the National anthem.

The man in the call for the online broadcast of the game by the National Federation of High Schools Network was identified by The Oklahoman as Scott Sapulpa. Before using slander in the call, he announced that the broadcast would return after the national anthem was played. But his microphone was not turned off.

While believing that the broadcast was on a break, the announcer said, “F- them. I hope they lose”, after seeing the Norman players not get up during the national anthem. “Come on, Midwestern city. Are they going to kneel like that? Of course not … F — ing n —– s.”

The comments video was captured and shared online (Warning: the broadcast video contains explicit language.)

According to The Oklahoman, Sapulpa, who was hired by the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association to organize the game, is the football coach at Hulbert, an independent high school in the state.

Norman Public Schools Superintendent Nick Migliorino released a statement on the matter on Friday after the video of the broadcast was shared by many on social media:

“We condemn and will not tolerate the disgusting words and attitudes of these advertisers. This type of hate speech has no place in our society and we are outraged that it is directed at any human being, especially our students. We fully support our students’ right to freedom. of expression and our immediate focus is to support these girls and their coaches and families, especially our black students and technical staff. “

Norman Mayor Breea Clark also made a statement on the matter, revealing how upset she was about the station’s message.

“I am livid and absolutely disgusted by the racist and hateful comments addressed to young women on the Norman High School basketball team by a game announcer on the live broadcast of last night’s game,” she tweeted. “These young athletes were simply expressing themselves as hundreds of professional athletes across the country did, and no one, least of all a child, deserves to experience this type of racist and toxic behavior.”

Clark apologized to the girls who were subject to racism and also said that the contract with the National Federation of High School Network should be terminated.

On Friday, the Norman Public Schools announced that the NFHS will no longer broadcast its games.
