Angels in training: the founder of the Fledge accelerator conducts new courses for novice investors

Michael “Luni” Libes, founder of Fledge. (Photo from Fledge)

People curious about making angelic investments in promising startups can sign up for online training through the new Angel Accelerator program.

Training is offered through Fledge, a worldwide network of accelerators, investors and mentors based in Seattle with a focus on supporting international entrepreneurs who are creating companies with social missions. Luni Libes is the founder and managing director of Fledge, and he himself is an entrepreneur for several ventures.

The session starts on Wednesday with free weekly webinars that run through February. Paid programming is available from March until mid-May. The program is available to accredited investors.

Last June, it was the inaugural session of the Angel Accelerator for Fledge, which attracted 18 participants from Seattle Sound. Fledge also runs startup accelerators, which attracts candidates internationally.

The organization is now working to scale up its angel investment training program, with some scheduled to run this year. When the United States-based program starts on Wednesday, Fledge is simultaneously launching training for angel investors in Africa.

The Fledge Angel Accelerator program was inspired and watched by the Seattle Angel Conference, Libes said. SAC runs a 5-month semester program designed to train and educate accredited investors. Libes sees his program as the next step for the conference’s graduates.

Libes advocates addressing social and environmental challenges by investing in entrepreneurs, rather than relying heavily on nonprofit philanthropic support. He urges others to consider supporting socially conscious enterprises that aim to make a difference – not just a massive return.

“You don’t have to follow this model of raising dollars for missions and praying for a way out someday,” he said. “We are pioneers in a new space and every day we help people to do better. My only complaint is that the entire industry needs more money. “

Fledge put his startup acceleration program on hold until people can meet in person for the day again – a model that seems to work better than weekly remote sessions. Since its launch in 2012, Fledge has helped to launch similar accelerators worldwide, including programs in Boston, Barcelona, ​​Lima, Nairobi and Padua, Italy.

Last year, the startup program had 842 candidates, who were reduced to 25 companies in 11 countries that made their proposals. Angel Accelerator’s newly formed angel investors invested in nine of the startups – eight in Africa and one in South Carolina.

“There are so many good entrepreneurs out there, so many good ideas,” said Libes.
