Andrew Cuomo faces growing reaction from Democrats as New York state lawmakers call for resignation

State Senate powerful majority leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins ​​called for the resignation of her Democratic colleague on Sunday after two more former aides alleged inappropriate conduct by the governor, including one who accused Cuomo of making an unwanted sexual offer in a Los Angeles hotel room more than two decades ago, while she worked for him as a paid consultant.

Stewart-Cousins’ decision to join an increasing number of state Democratic lawmakers who pressure Cuomo, who has repeatedly denied touching anyone inappropriately, has increased pressure on the three-term governor as his control over the state capitol that he ruled for a decade seems to be slipping. Cuomo on Sunday again said he would not resign, but by breaking with the governor, Stewart-Cousins ​​escalated the impasse further and put the renewed focus on Sens. Chuck Schumer, the majority leader in the US Senate, and Kirsten Gillibrand, as the state’s democratic hierarchy considers how to respond to the persistent flow of accusations.

Schumer on Sunday refused to say whether Cuomo should resign, but again expressed his confidence in the New York attorney general’s investigation, Letitia James, on the charges.

“I have a lot of faith in her,” said Schumer. “I believe that she will turn every stone and I believe that she will make sure that there is no outside interference.”

Cuomo said at a news conference shortly before Stewart-Cousins ​​released his statement that he would not resign, suggesting that doing so before the attorney general’s investigation was completed – a process that could take months – would be “undemocratic” and a denial of due process.

But Stewart-Cousins, who had previously said that Cuomo should resign if another accuser came forward, saw enough. In a statement provided to CNN on Sunday, she questioned whether the governor could effectively lead the state amid two scandals – one involving allegations of sexual harassment and the other focused on the way her office handled Covid-19 deaths in nursing homes. elderly, who broke out after James’s office found that the state had systematically counted fewer deaths among facility residents.

“For the good of the state, Governor Cuomo must step down,” said Stewart-Cousins.

New York State Assembly President Carl Heastie, also a Democrat, echoed Stewart-Cousins’ concerns in a tweet, calling the charges against Cuomo “deeply disturbing.”

Cuomo says he 'really is sorry' for comments in the workplace that he says were 'misinterpreted as unwanted flirtation' after allegations of sexual harassment

“We have a lot of challenges to face,” continued Heastie, “and I think it’s time for the governor to seriously consider whether he can effectively address the needs of the people of New York.”

Stewart-Cousins ​​called Cuomo on Sunday morning less than an hour before his press conference was hastily announced to inform the governor that she could no longer support him and planned to ask for his resignation, according to an informed source. in the conversation.

According to the source, Cuomo told the MP that she should listen to the press call – during which he told reporters that he would not resign.

“There are some lawmakers who suggest that I resign because of the accusations they have made – they are made against me. I was elected by the people of the state. I was not elected by politicians. I will not resign because of allegations, “said Cuomo in the press call.

Despite protests from the governor and his top advisers, the chorus of New York’s big Democrats calling for his resignation is growing. State Sensors Rachel May and Liz Krueger echoed Stewart-Cousins. Also on Sunday, New York City controller Scott Stringer joined two other mayoral candidates, Maya Wiley and Kathryn Garcia, who had previously said that Cuomo should step down. Stringer asked the legislature to start the impeachment process if he didn’t. Mark Levine, a New York City councilor who chairs the health committee, also said Cuomo should step down.

Stewart-Cousins’ statement came less than 24 hours after former adviser and consultant Karen Hinton appeared in a Washington Post report published on Saturday to accuse the governor of misconduct.

Hinton was working as a consultant for Cuomo during his time at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, when, she told CNN on Sunday, he invited her to his hotel room during a trip to Los Angeles. Inside, Hinton said, Cuomo asked her about her marriage and related personal issues, before hugging her, which made her feel “uncomfortable” and caused her to get up to leave.

“I thought he was very close for a long time and I felt he was very close, and I could tell he was excited, and I walked away,” said Hinton, adding that she “did not move away aggressively.”

“I just left, like, ‘It’s time for me to leave,’ and he pulled me back and I said, ‘No. I’m too sleepy. I’m going back to my room,’ and I left, and we never spoke again. about it, “Hinton claimed.

Peter Ajemian, director of communications for Cuomo, denied Hinton’s claims in a statement to CNN, saying, “It didn’t happen.”

“Karen Hinton is a well-known antagonist to the governor who is trying to take advantage of this moment to score cheap points with claims made 21 years ago. All women have the right to introduce themselves and tell their story – however, it is also the responsibility of the press to consider self-motivation. This is unwise, “said Ajemian.

“Every woman has the right to come forward. That is true. But the truth also matters. What she said is not true,” said the governor, addressing the charges.

A friend of Hinton’s, who spoke to CNN on the condition of anonymity, said that Hinton called her after what the friend called “the hotel incident”.

“She called me and just said that you won’t believe what just happened,” said the friend, adding that Hinton told her that Cuomo hugged her and got excited and that “scared her”.

Hinton maintained his claim in a statement to CNN after Cuomo’s statements, comparing him to former President Donald Trump.

“The truth is the ‘longtime opponent’ that Cuomo fears most,” said Hinton. “Trump may have died, but Cuomo put himself in his place by blaming the abused for his own abusive behavior.”

Hinton’s account followed that of a number of other women, including one who only met Cuomo at a wedding in 2019, who accused the governor of inappropriate behavior.

Ana Liss, another former employee, told The Wall Street Journal in a report published on Saturday that the governor “asked if she had a boyfriend, called her a boyfriend, touched her lower back at a reception and once kissed her hand when she got up from her table. “

During Sunday’s press conference, Cuomo said that his interactions with Liss were comparable to others that he had with dozens of employees over several decades and added, again, “I never intended to make anyone feel unwanted from any form.”

“If customs change, I will change customs and behaviors,” said the governor. “But I never intended to feel – to make anyone feel uncomfortable.”

The firestorm, which has consumed New York politics for the past ten days, began on February 24, when former aide Lindsey Boylan claimed in a Medium post that Cuomo kissed her on the lips against her will in 2018 after a brief I find a meeting in his New York City office. She also wrote that, a year earlier, he suggested that they “play strip poker” while flying on a small plane at an event in western New York.

Cuomo’s press secretary, Caitlin Girouard, denied the report, saying: “Boylan’s claims about inappropriate behavior are simply untrue.” (Girouard has since confirmed that she is leaving Cuomo’s office to the private sector, but said the decision was prior to both the release of the nursing home report and any public allegations of sexual harassment.)

Days later, Charlotte Bennett, a 25-year-old former executive assistant and health policy advisor to Cuomo, told the New York Times that the governor had asked her a series of personal questions and said he was open to relationships with women. in your 20s.

“I thought, he is trying to sleep with me. The governor is trying to sleep with me. And I am deeply uncomfortable and I have to get out of this room as soon as possible,” said Bennett in an interview with CBS News.

Bennett also said she reported the incident to Cuomo’s chief of staff and was later transferred to another post, on the other side of the Capitol, from the governor’s office. His lawyer, Debra Katz, sent a letter on Friday to the attorney general asking that all documents and notes of conversations related to his client’s complaint be kept “unchanged”.

Cuomo denied the accusations in a statement released shortly after the Times’ initial report, saying he believed he was acting as a mentor and “never made any progress towards Ms. Bennett, nor did I intend to act in any way that was inappropriate. “

On March 1, another woman, Anna Ruch, came forward to accuse Cuomo of making an unwanted advance in his direction after they met at a wedding in 2019.

Ruch told the Times that he thanked Cuomo for his toast to the newlyweds before placing his hands on her lower back, which was exposed by her dress. The governor then, in a report verified by Ruch’s friend, which CNN does not cite due to concerns the friend expressed about his professional life, placed both hands on Ruch’s face asking if she could kiss her.

Cuomo, during a press conference last week, apologized for making people uncomfortable, but denied having made any improper physical contact.

“I never touched anyone inappropriately,” said Cuomo in his first public speech about the scandal. “I never knew at the time that I was making someone uncomfortable.”
