Anaphylaxis after ‘rare’ COVID-19 vaccine

A new CDC report details 21 cases of anaphylaxis after the COVID-19 vaccine.  But officials say the reaction continues "extremely rare." (Photo: Getty Images)
A new CDC report details 21 cases of anaphylaxis after the COVID-19 vaccine. But officials say the reaction remains “extremely rare”. (Photo: Getty Images)

An estimated 5.3 million Americans received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccines by Wednesday, according to a tracker from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And although vaccines have been found safe, reports show that many residents of nursing homes and health care professionals – both of whom are a priority for vaccination – remain reluctant to be vaccinated.

In a media call on Wednesday, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, tried to allay concerns about a potential side effect: severe allergic reactions that lead to anaphylaxis. Reports of anaphylaxis after a COVID-19 vaccine surfaced in the United Kingdom in early December, followed by several reports of serious allergic reactions in the United States, including between two Alaskan health professionals.

But the reaction, says the CDC, is “exceptionally rare” and treatable – presenting much less risk to Americans than COVID-19.

Messonnier told reporters that the CDC recorded 21 cases of anaphylaxis in total among the first 1.89 million vaccinated Americans (from 14 to 23 December), which translates to a rate of 11 cases in 1 million. In an article published on Wednesday, the CDC expanded the information, revealing that 17 of the individuals had a “documented history of allergies or allergic reactions” and seven of them had experienced anaphylaxis in the past. Follow-up information was available for 20 of the individuals, all of whom “recovered or were discharged home” at the time of the report.

Anaphylaxis, according to the Mayo Clinic, is a “potentially fatal allergic reaction” that causes symptoms such as “a fast, weak pulse; rash; constriction of radio waves; nausea and vomiting. “The condition is an overreaction of the immune system that usually occurs minutes after exposure to an allergen. It can be successfully treated with epinephrine, also known as EpiPen. Medicines, food and insect bites are the three main causes that 1.6 percent of Americans will have in their lifetime.

“It’s still extremely rare,” said Messonnier on the call. “Of course, we would all expect any vaccine to have zero adverse events, but even with 11 cases per million doses administered, it is a very safe vaccine. We are in a scenario of 2,000 deaths from COVID per day, and if you make this comparison, I would say that it is still a good value proposition for someone to be vaccinated. Their risk [of severe outcomes] of COVID-19 … is still more than the risk of a serious result with the vaccine. “

In a statement to Yahoo Life, Pfizer said it “closely monitors” any reports of serious allergic reactions after vaccination and plans to “update the labeling” if necessary. “The prescribing information has a clear warning / precaution that appropriate medical treatment and supervision should always be available in the event of a rare anaphylactic event following the administration of the vaccine,” said the spokesman. Moderna did not respond to Yahoo Life’s request for comment.

At the moment, it remains unclear exactly what may be causing the reactions, but the director of the Center for Biological Products Research and Evaluation at the Food and Drug Administration suggested in mid-December that they may be related to a chemical called polyethylene glycol ( PEG), which is present in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. The FDA has recommended that those who have had severe allergies to vaccines in the past should avoid Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Still, Messonnier says the rare reactions should not prevent Americans with a history of allergies from getting the vaccine. “Our recommendation is that people see their doctor,” says Messonnier. “There is a big difference between someone who had a mild allergic reaction in childhood and someone who had a severe allergic reaction last week. And it will be very important to have a clinician able to help a patient exercise judgment, rather than having completely strict and quick rules. “

To latest coronavirus news and updates, follow on According to experts, people over 60 and immunocompromised continue to be at greater risk. If you have questions, consult the CDC‘sand Who is it resource guides.

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