Anaheim City Council votes for California Assembly bill to accelerate Disneyland reopening

The Anaheim City Council voted to allow large theme parks to open at the same time as their smaller counterparts.

Anaheim City Council voted 6-1 on Tuesday to support a state legislature bill that would change the reopening guidelines for theme parks, reports The Voice of OC. The bill would allow major theme parks to reopen at a moderate level rather than a minimum.

This bill introduced by Assembly Member Sharon Quirk-Silva would place the inauguration of the Disneyland Resort at level 3 of Governor Gavin Newsom’s Project for a Safer Economy while currently at level 4.

This would effectively speed up the opening of the Disneyland Resort, as the resort would be allowed to open a level earlier than currently planned. Currently, smaller theme parks can reopen with a 25% capacity at level 3. Passing this law would allow major theme parks like Disneyland to do the same.

Anaheim Mayor Harry Sidhu is also in favor of the project.

“Nobody is saying that we want to reopen Disneyland today,” said Mayor Sidhu. “This legislation is not intended to change the layers. This just expresses that large theme parks with larger footprints and significantly greater resources for establishing security protocols must be able to open at the same level as small parks. “

Anaheim City Council supported the project in a 6-1 vote. José Moreno, a councilor who voted no, said he did so because of public health concerns.

“If we demand legislation that allows the opening of theme parks of any size, we are basically saying that COVID is in the same context in Adventure City in Stanton as it would be at Disneyland,” said Moreno.

Source: Voice of OC
